Jan 26, 2007 20:55
I think drivers ed will be the death of me.
No i am not just being an emo/angsty teenager that's like "OMG I have to like stay after school like it totally cramps my social life." (well that was more valley girl than emo but you get the idea)
No i am serious.
Yesterday was my first day driving.
I nearly had a heart attack, still no joke.
You would think that the teacher would not let someone who has never sat in the drivers seat, ever, drive a car around in circles around a block.
and in the process demeaned me and made me feel like a retard (he also thinks I have no brain).
I have the impression that my teacher really does not like me and thinks I am permanently confused.
You wanna know what that bastard said to me! He thought I failed physics because he asked me a question about a car in motion and I didn't answer, I WAS HAVING A FUCKING PANIC ATTACK YOU MORON!!! AND BY THE WAY I GOT AN 88 ON THE REGENTS!
I really do think i had a minor panic attack/heart attack, my heart felt all weird and shit, It was one of the most scariest things I have ever experienced. My heart didn't feel right till the morning after.
You wanna know something, I knew this was going to happen, I knew I would be too nervous to drive, but mom wanted me to learn from the school so what she says goes.
I never want to drive again, come on our city has the best mass transportation system who needs cars, they just pollute the air!
okay I am getting a little dramatic, and in all truth I didn't crash the car and didn't do half bad but in the process i nearly had a stroke.
I wish i had a different teacher, one more patient with a girl who was already nervous three years ago about drivers ed and driving a car
I hope I can survive this (with my heart and sanity in tact), god it was only the first class
I will persevere come hell or high water or i will start rocking back and forth in a corner tamaki-esque like
i apologize for this post and my drama queen act
and yes i know i am pathetic for being this scared of driving a car but oh well
drivers ed,