May 16, 2008 20:09
Baby shower is over, work is all done. Still getting the house ready, but it's getting there. We even finally picked a middle name (Michelle) and preregistered at the hospital. I even managed to get a bag packed! Miss Anna is due next Thursday, but she has until June 3rd to make her own way into the world or the doctor will induce. She is still extremely squiggly! I read that they move less and less toward the due date, but nope, she moves around quite a bit. I think she's been rearranging her room ;)
People ask me when i'm due, and when i say, "Thursday!" they look all shocked and tell me i'm not very big. Somehow that's not a compliment. We don't think she's going to be a huge baby, maybe around 8 lbs or so, but the doctor thinks everything looks fine, so shut up, random jerks in the elevator, restaurant, and job!
So much to do still! Nesting isn't even a joke. I completely feel like some bird, very darty and frantic, trying to accumulate enough sticks to make a decent home for Anna. I think i may have enough sticks now, but the feng shui is terrible! Caw! Caw!