I got bored and started taking these little quizes.
You will be a Notorious Criminal
Your fame will be gained through your unlawful deeds. You are very smart and will probably get away with it for a long time - if not forever. You are not evil, necessarily, but when you don’t agree with a law, you just ignore it.
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QuizGalaxy.com Accidentally confessing to murdering all of your other "first dates"
Your first date faux pas is accidentally confessing to murdering all of your other "first dates". Okay - so you're a serial killer, but it doesn't need to be known on the first date, right? Keep stuff like that private until the third date.
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QuizGalaxy.com You are a direct flirt
You know who you want and you go after them. If they’re not interested, then you shrug it off because there are plenty more potential hot dates out there. You don’t waste time and, because of this, you have a high chance of finding Mr. or Miss Right (Now).
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QuizGalaxy.com Death through extreme sports
You are going to die in an extreme sports accident. You like to live life fast and hard. What’s the point if you don’t? Live fast, Die young, Leave a good looking corpse. Right?
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