Spring Semester 2010

Jan 19, 2010 09:52

1- Amanda has to start studying again (actually this is good and bad…she likes law, but not the studying part :P);

2- No company holiday’s until Friday, April 2 (Good Friday) *tear*;

3- I will miss the 3 and 4 day work weeks that accompanied the holiday work schedule*double tear*;

4- Less time to spend with Amanda as she will be really busy again in the evenings *tear fest*.

However, this does give me the opportunity to explore new things on my computer! Wahoo! In case you didn’t know, I own an iMac and I love it! However, owning a Mac has its drawbacks, especially if you are like me and really like to play PC computer games. Well, for the past year or two I have been fine playing WoW and other games that I could find on the Mac OS platform…but as of late (i.e. about October or so) these games started to really bore me.

Solution…upgrade my Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger) to Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and run Mac Boot Camp 3.0 with Vista Ultimate (hehe still had the $10 disc from undergrad - thank you U of M)! Those of you who appreciate computer gaming, software, etc. will appreciate what I just said there =) For those of you who threw up a little in their mouth, here is what I did to cure my boredom! I backed up all my essential files (pics, movies, music, documents, etc.) on my external HD, completely reformatted my old Mac OS 10.4 and reinstalled Mac OS 10.6 - the new operating system (loving it btw). Then, to cure my lack of PC games due to my Mac operating system, I partitioned my HD into two - now my computer has both the Mac OS on it as well as the Vista OS on it! I can now play both PC and Mac games on my computer! Woot!

So what have I done with my new Windows OS on my Mac? Well, my first purchase in January (thank you Amanda’s Grandma for the Best buy Gift Card!!!) was Mass Effect for Windows. I was a little worried at first about the system requirements since my Mac is a touch old, but the game runs very smoothly with all graphic settings on high/ultra. I will have a later update with my thoughts on the game, but so far I am loving it! The game is great; it combines two gaming aspects that I LOVE - RPG elements as well as first person shooter! I am highly anticipating January 26, 2010 --- why? --- Mass Effect 2 is released and thanks again to Amanda’s Grandma, because I pre-ordered it through Best Buy!

More updates on Mass Effect and other things happening in my life in a little bit!

Take Care!


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