the Vines with Ok Go

Aug 12, 2002 18:23

Feeling tired… a little weird too cause this is my last week with my boyfriend before he heads back to Edmonton for his surgery next week. Not enough time… this summer went far too fast.

This past weekend felt really lazy to me… or rather, I was feeling really lazy despite doing all kinds of things like seeing the Vines twice. OK Go were the openers and they rocked. I really enjoyed their sound. I thought to myself on Friday how they seemed to have a kinda ska influenced Phantom Planet sound and then I found out they are going to open up for Phantom Planet on their small East coast tour this September. Rad. They are signed with Capitol and their new CD comes out September 17. Mental note: Need to purchase.

The Vines were good as well… though I think they were much better on Saturday’s night show then Friday’s. The crowd might have had something to do with that since it actually had a pulse on Saturday. God, Friday’s crowd was awful. Just pathetic. It didn’t help that there were so many VIPs. It was obnoxious. Craig went mad towards the end and trashed the drum kit and himself. He did more damage on Saturday… since it was their last two shows on this tour, it seemed appropriate and well, fitting since Craig is so rock star. It was, overall, fun. Even when Craig took off his shirt to reveal his pot belly late into the set on Saturday. I so didn’t need to see his paunch. But whatever, it was great and very much like the first time I saw them… raw, real and weird. I loved it.

My boy is painting today… we did a little preparing yesterday of my spare bedroom. I’ve always had white or neutral walls in my bedroom or in my parent’s house for the most part. But my spare bedroom is going to be this khaki color with a pure white ceiling, door and trim. I think it’s going to work really well. I’m just a little nervous since it’s more striking than say, off-white. And then my bedroom… taking more risk there. Remi is going to start getting it all ready tomorrow and it’s going to be this like dark, bright, rich blue. I have no idea how to describe this color. But it’s really dramatic and strong. The ceiling, door, trim and bathroom will be pure white. I hope I like how it turns out and that I can live with such a strong color in my bedroom but I think I’m going to love it… it’s a needed change from the current white and pink that the previous owners had painted the room.

I got a plant yesterday too. It’s this big beautiful plant. Um. Yeah. I love house plants. I still haven’t moved over my plants from my parent’s house yet because there are boxes everywhere and it’s just not ready for all of them… I have some plants that I’ve had for like 6 years. My mom is like this wizard with plants. She has some that she’s kept going for over 20 years. I’m glad I’ve inherited some of her skills.

Oh, totally forgot one thing. After both Vines shows, Sunset was packed with all kinds of people handing out flyers, CDs and pins… there were Capitol PR packets to self-made CDs. I must plug the Otter Pop boys. They had this cooler set-up right in front of the Roxy, handing out Otter Pops and even opening them for you with a pair of scissors. It was so awesome since the Roxy is like a freaking steam room or something, it gets so unbearably hot. I got one of their CDs that just had info written on it with a Sharpie. And it’s really GOOD. So check them out at They are playing August 14th at the Roxy and September 21 at the Whiskey. So support ‘em cause Otter Pops rule!

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phantom planet, ok go, the vines, music, the roxy, personal

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