Ok… so the
Roswell premiere was disappointing but I was sort of expecting worse. There was at least a Michael and Maria moment however weak it was. LOVED the foreshadowing of Maria… or was some of her dialogue more like a hint of what might happen this season? Ah the possibilities. I don’t think the show can live up to it’s first season. There is going to be a bit of let down as it tries to figure itself out. I just really hope they don’t go so sci-fi that they forget the heart of the show: the interaction between the aliens and the humans and the struggle between feeling human but being an alien.
Anyways, I was VERY impressed by Dark Angel. Blew my socks off. I was looking forward to it and really enjoyed it. Jessica Alba kicks butt. This show managed to have plenty of sarcasm, wit, action and vulnerability. And unlimited possibilities for what could come ahead… It had it’s chessy moments and I’m not sure I like some of the side characters, but loved the two leads. Michael Weatherly has been a favorite cutie of mine since he was Cooper on the now defunct half hour soap ‘Loving’. Glad to see him on a good show instead of drivel like ‘Jesse’. Can’t wait to see more…
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