Right on

Jun 20, 2007 10:47

In an almost eerie kind of way Mr. Brezny hits the nail on the head:

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): How well are you capitalizing on this year's
unique opportunities, Virgo? Now that we're almost halfway through
2007, let's take an inventory. I'm hoping that six months from now, you'll
look back and say the following: "This was the year I came all the way
home. It was a turning point when I learned to speak with my own voice
instead of trying to speak with the voices of everyone who's ever been
important to me. In 2007 I found my power spot, my mother lode, my
sacred ground. For the first time, I have a deeply felt certainty that I
belong here on this planet; I belong here in my life; I belong here in this
community and this mission and this body."

mr. brezny, astrology

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