(no subject)

Jun 22, 2010 11:20

Having a baby the second time around is so much harder, I feel like I'm worn out from holding a baby and now I have to do it all over again. I'm not complaining so dont even go there girlfriend, I'm just saying didn't I just get done with screaming and dipers and those bloody fucking powdered formula bottles. What was I thinking? BUT over all I have to thank my blessings right? I have two perfect, beautiful baby girls who enjoy glee just as much as I do. .

Well, they're both sick and Bella is my husbands first child, so he is going through that "omg she sneeze, omg she coughed, holy shit on a stick Stacey she has a runny nose! I'm calling the doctor, get that medicine. DAMNIT you don't care about her! Why aren't you freaking out with me!!" I just laugh it off, or I atleast try but I've moved from that. Raiden was constantly sick and I've learned you dont have to call the doctor or worry yourself silly over every little thing a baby does. I'm not  the queen of kids or anything  but I'm definatly not on the same level as my husband. It annoys and aggrivates me, and if we weren;t around eachother twenty four hours a day I would be able to deal with it better. Oh, Tom Cruise save my marrige.

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