When in the suburbs of Osiek - they killed the news cameraman who was with me - he was the 17th victim among the journalists - I organized a group to go to the Yugoslav People’s Army (again the red star) where I told them, there was no declaration of war, tell us finally, is there a war? Why are they shooting at the journalists? Why did they shoot down Zarko Kaic? The answer was that the cameraman was an “unlucky victim of an accident”. The guard was shooting from a tank; he confused the camera with an anti-tank gun. When we are in fighting range, they said, close to the Croatian units, better remember that we cannot expect the soldiers to differentiate between the enemy and the journalists. Those journalists who wear Croatian clothes and move together with the Croatians are all considered enemy. This last I took as a personal declaration of war, from here on the war became a personal thing for me. I told off the red-starred major something foul and colorful and left him. I asked for uniform and gun from the Croatians and also my acceptance in the Croatian National Guard. Later I became the commander of the Croatian International Platoon. Again, things found their rightful place as always when I do not yet understand what’s going on around me.
What was this war about? Why did they have this war?
That’s very simple. Yugoslavia was an unnatural contraption. It was only natural that it fell apart. Croatians are a minority only in Hungary. Croatia is certainly a nation. The Bosnian is more difficult to define, they were a Muslim minority in Yugoslavia but thanks to this war, they also became a nation. They found their national identity in these fights - they have been called Yugoslav Muslims who lived in Bosnia up until now.
The reason for the war was that the Serbs started to feel that Yugoslavia was breaking up, so they tried to grab the largest possible territory in the last minute. The war in 1991 was about that. It was a territory-grabbing, robber’s war.
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