Nov 16, 2007 03:02
So it has been over a year since my last post... a lot of new things have happened since then... got a g/f, stayed with her for over a year and some... broke up with g/f... got a new job at Spanish Hills Country Club as the Banquet Sous Chef... which has been kickass so far... got rid of the mustang... my poor baby, but that's okay... got a newer baby... WOOT! been out of the whole loop of things cuz of work and ish... still drink and party occasionally... other than that I've been mellow... I see old friends a lot, been nice playing catch up... been "dating" again... don't know how I feel about it so much... but it seems to keep me somewhat happy... still searching for that unconditional love... hard to find these days... so much bullshit and drama... warped minds of what is "right" cuz of MTV and other media standards... whatevs though... life is good for the most part...
I should be in bed right about now... work is calling in the morning... I'll post some more stuff soon... bye all! hope to hear from people I haven't talked to in a while... take care!