Jan 13, 2008 22:30
Once again, an immense amount of time has elapsed since my last entry. If there was ever a time in my life that this might change it would be now...because...I FINALLY bought a new laptop! After saving up some gig money, receiving a little christmas cash, and cashing in on a student discount, I converted to a real gay's computer...The MacBook! She's so perty, and I love her so much. It feels nice to finally be rid of my PC. The Dell I owned previously was big enough to be a desktop, slow as molasses, and usually overheated and shut off after 30 minutes of use. That doesn't really bode well for eljay updating, or any general computing for that matter. So here I am, wrapping up 2007, and ringing in 2008 all in one easy to read entry.
In a nutshell 2007 was (on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being shitty, 5 being excellent, and 10 again being really shitty) a solid 7. Definitely happy with my move to Chicago, my progress on the trumpet, my trials and tribulations in the dating world, but still some unanswered mysteries.
2008 has a great deal of potential, and I want it to be as pivotal in my life as 2006 (when I moved out of South Hell FOREVER).
in 2008 I hope to see:
-A JOB! (with benefits, relating to music in some way)
-Continued good health and fitness (the last 4 months have been less than stellar)
-a marathon, half marathon or maybe just a 10k...but some race that involves distance
in 2008 I know I will see:
-Amy Marie's wedding (through teary eyes)
-Ashly Margenthaler's wedding
-my Master's degree
New Year's Resolutions are as follows:
-A loss of 10-15 lbs and a solid 30 waist size
-Learn to cook 10 dishes (I learned 2 last year...pathetic!)
-Relearn to ride a bike, and make it my preferred method of transportation (if you're laughing, then you are tacky and i hate you)
-Read a book month (i FINALLY finished Devil in The White City and all and all it wasn't as delightful as I wanted it to be, but the Chicago setting was interesting)
Now time to do some work! Goodnight from Chicago...my recital details to be posted when they are finalized!