Avantika Shetty from Mumbai is an aspiring actress currently pursuing her studies. Having dabbled as a net jockey for Yahoo and amid doing a Tamil commercial and a print ad, Avanika made her entry as an actress in a show titled Dharamveer for NDTV Imagine. A true blue Mumbai lass, she feels there is no city like Mumbai. This is what she has to say about her dream of being on the silver screen:
“While my parents are not supportive of my dream to make it as an actress, I know deep down inside they are praying for me to make it big. Obviously their prayers are working for me as I got a chance to perform as a participant on Idea Bollywood Club. What’s more, I actually got a chance to audition in front of the showman himself, Mr. Subhash Ghai! He liked my performance and I hope I will get a chance to act in his film for sure. It was a dream come true to perform in front of him. I will follow all the advice he had for me and shall chase my dreams with more confidence.”
Now that she has impressed the Showman, how far off is showbiz for Avantika according to you?