Always known for its glam image, Zoom is all set to become the big daddy of Bollywood channels. The Zoom party hosted on Thursday at The Ultimate to mark the launch of their reality show Bollywood Club along with seven hot new shows only endorses the popularity of the glam channel. The invites went out to just a select few and almost everyone who was invited made it a point to be there and boogey all through the end. If it meant changing travel plans they did it. Vijendra Ghatge was to fly out but he rescheduled travel itinerary so did Kunal and Riti Goswami who flew in from Delhi for the event.
Wasim Akram couldn’t get a visa to come to Mumbai so he called and partied over the cell phone instead. Bobby Darling regretted that she left her falsies at home. But she still looked cute flat chested. Poonam Dhillon came in with Jagmohan Mundhra who talked about all the steamy movies he makes. Kelly didn’t want to drink and drive but his driver stood him up and he drove himself. Boy was he happy! Because he couldn't get over how hot Shonali Nagrani looked. So did Zoom anchor Supreet Bedi. Harry Baweja and his wife looked like a well-dressed couple. Another fashionable looking couple was
Anand Raj Anand and Ekta.
Sunny Deol took out time from his Chamku promotions just to attend the bash. Shy as usual, he looked ten years younger. Vikas Verma came along with Vivek Kamat, the big shot of a leading chain of hospitals and Pratap Sarnaik. Aryan Vaid, Sudhanshu Panday, Vikas Bhalla comprised the hunk group at the party. Raza Murad, Anu and Shashi Ranjan, Shruti Sheth, Bappi Lahiri, Kamlesh and Kaushika Hemdev, Shonali Shroff, Anuradha Tandon and Meena Hingorani, the art curator put in an appearance and discussed some serious art while actress Kishan Kumar and wife Tanya came in with Samyukta and Zoom anchor Keith. There was gossip, there was curiosity about the wonderful concept of Bollywood Club and the eclectic mix of people made it hard to shut down the party. DJ Akhtar’s magical music only added to the fun evening. Those who didn’t get invited hold your breath until Zoom has yet another classy evening.