Killed the Radio Star

Jan 21, 2005 07:26

It seems weird that I've been coming home and have felt unmotivated to watch TV when there are some great shows on right now. It's as if if it's not Gilmore Girls, I don't want to watch it. But I'll talk about them anyway. And I should mention that with my new upgraded TiVo, named Stomper, with 225 hours of space on it, I can afford to sit on shows for a long time and not worry about the space.

Alias is going fine, with my Garner girlfriend- it's been too long a wait, but I'm happy to have a straight shot of new eps. I just saw the first 2 Battlestar Galactica eps last night and really liked them; the space "shots" are reminscent of Firefly's way of focusing on a ship as if there's really a camera right there in space. Does anyone know if that had been done before Firefly, and if that was in the Battlestar mini-series? I'm happy for them to have cribbed the idea. I just started watching Family Guy, and it's a hoot. I'm not sure I can keep up with it every day, though. Same for Quantum Leap, of which I have a good many, and I haven't seen any of them.

The West Wing is much better this year than last, and it's good to have the writing back. I'm loving Santos, and Josh is less irritating than usual. Lost is entertaining, so I'll hang in there with it. I haven't seen a new ep with Gil Grissom in so long that it feels like withdrawal. Man, he's yummy. I have Point Pleasant ready to watch, but haven't yet. Enterprise got off to an iffy start this season, so I'm curious to see if the remainder are as Eh, with last season being so great. Joan of Arcadia is still holding my interest, but if I let anything go, that would probably be the first one. I'm so sick of hearing about Judith. I haven't seen a new Smallville ep in so long I forgot the last thing that happened; I hope they have a long previosulies next time.

Carnivale is wonderful (like, duh), and is the only show I'm archiving for myself. Queer Eye for the Straight Girl is fun, but I don't know how long I'll hang onto that. Veronica Mars is nice and steady, and I'm looking forward to seeing Allyson Hannigan on it. I realized only last week that the lead in VM is the same girl who played a con artist on Deadwood last season. She was great in that, and I can't wait for the new season. Those cocksuckers. I'm having to think about each weekday to remember what I watch. Heh. I'm just going through the motions on Charmed because the girls are pretty, and Leo is pretty. I wonder how the woman who plays Piper feels about not having lost her pregnancy weight; she's gorgeous either way, but I'm not getting to ogle her like I used to, and I miss that. Two and a Half Men is still consistently funny, and only takes up about 20 minutes, which is perfect for dinner, because it's not one of those shows that requires you to see it every second. I'm still recording One Tree Hill for the daughter of a friend, and I got into it because of that last year, but this year is downhill. Taking the commercials out makes it hard not to watch, though.

Scrubs is also consistent, but it's against One Tree Hill, which I have to put on TiVo1 (haven't named it yet, but I'll take suggestions. Feeble? It's only 40 hours, but it's hooked to the premium channels, so I have to monitor the space carefully), and VM, which is on TiVo2, so I have to resort to the VCR for Scrubs, and I don't always remember. Finally, Good Eats is still fun, and this week's Myth Busters takeoff was good. I'm looking forward to more eps like that, because Brown's most entertaining and informational when he's at his dorkiest.

And now i'll make some small enemies with a tiny rant. Please ignore if you have a TV with no cable and only a VCR. Rant: It's frustrating to have an HDTV, with HDTV cable service, but not be able to watch it. TiVo doesn't make an HD-compatible unit yet, so despite having some HD channels, which are almost the most beautiful thing I've seen in my life, I cannot watch recorded shows in HD. If I want to watch Lost in HD, which I did for a bit on Wednesday, I'd have to watch it live, and sit through all the commercials, which I am physically incapable of doing. It's like visiting someone who has dial-up; I'd rather wait until I get home, be it 2 weeks aaway, than check my email on dial up. I've become a very impatient audio visual user. I'm not sure whether to be sad or proud. My cable company makes HD DVRs, but that would require me to hand over control from the TiVo to Cox Cable, and I'm not willing to do that.
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