warning- long commentallthatjazmyneMarch 2 2007, 21:01:43 UTC
Are you honorable? Do you honor God the way Jim did?I think if you look at that as two separate questions, you can answer the first while disregarding the second. Are there aspects of your grandfather's life, actions, and values that you can emulate? Does your own personal definition of "honor" apply to you
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Re: warning- long commentboliverMarch 2 2007, 21:21:26 UTC
I get what you're saying about each person attending the funeral having their own perspective on things, and that makes sense. At the same time, the pastor didn't just talk about what a devout person my grandfather was. That would have been fine- we're there to honor him, and remember him, warts and all. Whatever I believe about missle systems, he worked on them; it just...IS. Not changeable, and thus worthy of our thinking on it. If it were your funeral, or wedding, and the service focused on your beliefs, it's all good- we're there for you
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Re: warning- long commentastrablueMarch 3 2007, 08:24:18 UTC
As a religious person, I know it would be important to me that my funeral (which I'm not planning for a couple of decades, btw) reflect my beliefs about life, death, and what comes next, and I would just hope that those who don't believe those same things would accept them as part what mattered to me, and part of what made up the total package of Me. I would feel bad if some of those attending my funeral were uncomfortable with the religious elements, but I would still want them there.I agree with Julia here, with the extra caveat that I still wouldn't want direct proselytizing at my services (wedding or funeral). Catholic Masses aren't generally all "Convert ye or perish!" anyway - it's left up to the person to later go and talk to someone (priest, nun, another parishioner) if they're so moved. Something like "Go forth and love one another/honor your loved ones/take care of the earth," though - I don't think that's objectionable
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Re: warning- long commentboliverMarch 3 2007, 23:31:08 UTC
See, that's why I used the quotes around "religious." To me, religious people (no quotes) are genuine, non-judgmental, accepting, independent, spiritual, thinking people who happen to subscribe to specific religious tenets.
"Religious" people, on the other hand, use their "religion" as an excuse to assume that everyone outside of their own bubble are going Straight to Hell. I don't know any "religious" people, but I do know plenty of religious people, including you and jaz.
I should have been more specific, there.
It reminds me of Brother Cavel's delivery of the term God when he uses it in speech in Battlestar Galactica. I love his character.
Your extra caveat in your first sentence is the whole enchilada to me; it's the difference between offensive and wholly acceptable and respectful.
"Religious" people, on the other hand, use their "religion" as an excuse to assume that everyone outside of their own bubble are going Straight to Hell. I don't know any "religious" people, but I do know plenty of religious people, including you and jaz.
I should have been more specific, there.
It reminds me of Brother Cavel's delivery of the term God when he uses it in speech in Battlestar Galactica. I love his character.
Your extra caveat in your first sentence is the whole enchilada to me; it's the difference between offensive and wholly acceptable and respectful.
Oh, okay. I understand better now. Thank you.
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