Apologies to SNeaker, who's kvetching about not having a guy. I'd be kvetching, too, since she's a catch. Wake up, you strangely wacky and TV-addicted but funny and charming and sexy Orthodox Jewish men living in Brooklyn!
November 4th will be Ron's and my 10 year anniversary, and I have some things in my head about that. It's actually the anniversary of our first date, which means more to us than the wedding date, since the wedding was just a natural extension of our life. Normally, we just use it as an excuse for us to go to dinner or do something similarly lame. We're not romantic people, really. Or maybe we're just lazy.
But, hey, 10 years is kinda cool. I'd love to do something that's a surprise to Ron, but don't know what form it should take. And he does read this page occasionally, which means I'm taking a chance in posting this, but since I refuse to friend anyone, I can't lock it, I assume.
So, the options in my head are:
- Have a just the two of us private trip somewhere we've not yet been, but pretty local. The timeshare has locations in Tahoe and elsewhere. A helicopter trip to Catalina Island and an overnight are an option, too.
- Throw a big party and invite anyone I would love to see (which includes anyone who reads this and gives a shit- no, really), including online friends, family, local and non-local friends. This could be at the house, or I could shoot for a Vegas-thing. Either would involve a lot of planning, not that there's anything wrong with that.
- Have a smaller event, inviting only local people and local family to hang out for a barbeque or something at the house. It would give us a deadline to do the backyard (not that I think that's at all possible, but some dreams never die). Having a landscape deadline would negate it being a surprise, though, because I'd have to have a reason to have that date and push on the weekends to do gross sweaty work in the dirt.
Being completely selfish, and knowing what you know about me, what do y'all think I should do? What would YOU do? What would Buffy/Jesus/Karl Rove do?
By the way, I have a piece of paper from Moveon.org in my back windshield that says "Loose lips, Pink Slips- Fire Karl Rove." Heh.