(no subject)

Mar 22, 2006 20:42

Well uhh right now im pretty much babysitting.. i wonder how much ill get paid? that and how much of it i will actually end up putting in the bank. . . anyways i love emily times like a million now for telling a babysitting lady that i would babysit on saturday! oo exciting! much!.

Today was okay. I dont know its not like anyone will comment people usually only do when something scandalous or worth commenting is up. Now hm america's next top model is on but i really dont feel like watching it so ill sit here and make some more discoveries on myspace.

Ah its so addicting especially when you dont have to use a dial up computer. Anyways hm i think i am going to go pretty much thats all i have to say. I really want to do one of those surveys everyone used to do in 8th grade. yea.

hm anyways


ps -- im livid... pissed upset mad

But im pretty much over it.. dont worry

Oh wait i forgot i went to fedral way this weekend. it was pretty much fun. I didnt really see anyone of intrest. I only saw andy like once all weekend. hes crazy now though jim was right the drugs have totally changed his personality, I saw him as i was coming out of the bathroom at midnight and we went to safeway at like 1 am for cough medicine. Then we got home he said he would be in in a minute cause he had to lock up his doors. I went inside watched a movie a two and a half hour movie.. then went outside cause he wasnt inside and umm yea he wasnt in his truck either.. just wadering around outside like jim said he did.. just walking around... being crazy.. i dont even know.

it was fun even though i was sick as hell
GC's twin cousin's BBQ was fun .. meeting all of his family was funner.. and umm staring at roman was the greatest.. an italian named roman who ever thought of that hah!
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