Title: Love today (10/?)

Jan 06, 2010 17:56

Title: Love today (10/?) 
Author: Boldpapermate 
Pairing: Callie/Hahn, Callie/Arizona 
Rating: PG-13 
Summary: This is purely fluff to get me rolling again. 
Disclaimer: All the characters are property of ABC and Shonda. I own nothing, and no one. Although sometimes i wish i did

A/N: It's beta free. Please excuse all the mistakes

Im sorry it's short, i just needed something to take my mind off of things. Thanks to everyone for reading, and commenting. You mkae me want to attack you all with virtual hugs, and for some, who know who they are, virtual love ^^

On with the fluff!


There things you wish for before big moments, Arizona wished Mark wasn't there, she wished she could take back everything that had happened at Seattle grace, she wished her McName wasn't McWhore, because she didn't have dirty sex in on call rooms or have close encounters with STI's. That was Mark and the fact that people were associating her with him was bad enough, not to mention all the nurses glared at her, especially when she was with Mark. Arizona tried on several occasions to tell them that she was all for tasting the rainbow but the nurses thought it was some ploy, they told her it wasn't nice to pretend to be gay.

Really. Pretend? They obviously had never seen the poster of Cindy Crawford that she used to have. She was a doctor, a good doctor who didn't deserve to be treated like this, she saved childrens lives for crying out loud! Arizona had originally thought of channeling her inner badass and making the nurses stop gossiping about her sex life, but then she realized she had no badass to channel, plus being nice will up her chances on getting into heaven, because let's face it, they were pretty slim right now. Arizona was pretty sure she wouldn't be able to go all kung-fu ninja on anyone anyway, she wasn't that girl either, not the badass girl who wore leather jackets and drove kickass mortorcycles. She was that girl that tried in the secret of the night, then ended up falling and breaking her wrist, which made her have to come up with some dumb story about how it got caught in the window. Arizona was the cheerleader, the popular cheerleader, who wore ponytails, carried around pom-poms, loved frilly bows, and smiled like she was insane.

That was Arizona, she was harmless, she was like a fly, okay well maybe not, because those are gross. The point is that she didn't intend any harm, and the fact that people were so mean to her made her just want to cry, and smoke. Considering she really didn't want to burst into tears she settled for buying a pack of cigarettes across the street. So here she was trying to light a cigarette, contemplating whether or not she should kidnap Lexie, even though it is illegal. What other way could she talk to her?

"Whatcha got there blondie?" Arizona jumped, holy crap Mark had scared her.

"Do you have some sort of tracking device on me or something?" It was like he could find her anywhere, and it was beyond creepy.

"No. I have this thing called good looks, so when i tend to ask where you are, people usually answer." Mark smiled smugly and crossed his arms. They were standing right on the roof of the hospital. Generally Arizona was scared of heights, but considering she had to handle the glares everywhere else, this seemed like the best option.

"You also have this thing called too much confidence." Too much, like how Derick used too much hair care product.

"Only ugly people, and those with low self esteem say that." How many times could she hit him in one day?

"And only man-whores say that."

"Oh, haha. Seriously Robbins, what are you doing?" Contemplating whether or not pushing someone off a roof is considered manslaughter.

"I just want to smoke one cigarette." Just one, like not even one, maybe half of one. She was entitled to right? Mark frowned and looked at her like he had just entered some kind of stare contest with her that she didn't know about, seriously, it was freaking her out the way his eyes were bulging.

"For every cigarette you smoke, ill smoke one too." But...that defeats the purpose of being sad and emo, you can't be sad and emo with other people.

"But you don't smoke." He really didn't.

"Exactly. That way when I die of lung cancer, everyone will know it's your fault." Arizona leaned over and smacked him, apparently she wasn't done hitting him in a day. It seemed like Mark had come to expect it, because she did hit him a lot, she was sure he had lost some brain cells along the way, but he grabbed her cigarette and lighter and threw it over his shoulder off the roof. She had paid like 10 dollars for those!

"Hey. I paid valuable money for those!"

"Hey! I don't care. your not allowed to increase your chances of cancer while im around, let's go, you have some talking to do." Mark grabbed her hand and started pulling her towards the door back to the hospital. they had decided that the best plan of operation was for her to talk to Callie and Lexie, and get things settled. but Arizona felt like the best plan of operation was hiding out until it all blew over, this decreased her chances of getting stabbed with something, and also increased her chances of no sex. But she was fine with that for now.

Mark dragged her all the way to the cafeteria, and stood outside the doors. She couldn't do this, she wasn't prepared, she needed still needed to make notecards, and rehearse what she was going to say in front of a mirror. Arizona started hyperventilating as she leaned in and saw Callie sitting alone at a atable. She couldn't do this, she really couldn't do this.

'What's wrong?" Everything it seemed.

Arizona placed a hand over her heart "My heart hurts." It always hurt around Callie though.

"Is it bad?" she was sure that was code for, are you trying to chicken out.

"No, I think its from all the caffie-" In retrospect, 6 energy drinks, 3 cups of coffee, and 1 of those 5 hour energy drinks were probably a bad idea.

"Are you having a heart attack?" Mark interupted. No, she would know if she was.

"No. It's probably fro-"

"Is your vision all blurry?" Seriously, she wasn't having a heart attack.

"Im not havi-"

"Has your left arm gone numb?" Mark interupted again.

"No!" She wasn't having a heart attack!

"Then it probably isn't a heart attack." No really?

"You think?" God she was torn between taking deep breathes or smacking Mark for his stupidity.

"I know, now go get em tiger." Mark grinned, handed her 2 cups of coffee that he had picked up along the way, and shoved Arizona through the doors before she even had a second to utter the word no.

It was like being thrown into the lions den, and she was just this tiny little kitten. As she stumbled through the dorrs, everyone was staring at her, and she meant everyone. The interns had stopped looking at their textbooks, the residents were glaring at her, except for Karev and Stevens, Karev was giving her a thumbs up, and Stevens was grinning at her like she was on crack. That girl had way to much pep, and this was coming from Arizona.

Arizona took a deep breathe and started walking, if she was going to do this, she was going to pretend like she still had her dignity, even though she was pretty sure it was all lost. she walked towards Callie's table, each step making her less and less confidant. She could have used those notecards right about now. Arizona stopped in front of Callie's table, the cafeteria eerily silent. Didn't people have their own lives to worry about, instead of focusing on hers? It was the type of quiet where you could her a chair squeek. Seriously.

"Dr. Robbins." Callie whispered. So they were on a last name basis now?

"Dr. Torres." Arizona responded as she sat down.

"Don't...don't do that." Do what? Move? Breathe? The last one Arizona was already not doing.

"Do what?" Arizona placed the coffee cups on the table.

"Say my name. Just...please? Your making this hard." Despite the fact everyone was listening in on their conversation, Arizona was kind of glad. Part of her felt like throwing a parade in her head because it was clear that Callie still wanted her, the other part wanted to hit herself for being so selfish.

"Okay. that kind of limits what i can call you then," Arizona joked as she slid the coffee towards Callie, Callie just looked at her then around the cafeteria. Callie grabbed the cup and started doodling on it, probably as a means to distract herself from everyone else, but in Arizona's opinion that was just a waste of coffee.

"You make my heart hurt Arizona, and I just...I can't let it hurt like this. So please, don't try talking to me again." Callie stood up and slid the coffee back towards Arizona before she got up and started walking out of the cafeteria. Arizona silently berated her heart for turning against her and feeling sadness at Callie's words, she should have expected it. She deserved it. It wasn't until she had grabbed the cup, and was about to throw it in the trash when she noticed Callie's name and a phone number on the cup's sleeve.

This was a start.


A/N: Im trying to fix the double post, so i apologize if it's still all wacky.

Please read and review! Reviews are love people, and they make me write faster :)

fanfic: callie/arizona

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