(no subject)

Nov 03, 2009 11:43

Well, I just got back from a catnapping. Since Grandma and Grandpa's stay in MS has been extended indefinitely, they were worried about their cat Valentino, who has a neighbor coming over to feed him but who's been pretty much alone since they left, so I was talked into driving down to Kirkland, stuffing the cat in a carrier, and dragging him up to Kirkland. (Tino had other ideas; he wasn't terribly articulate in expressing them but I think they were along the lines of "I'll scratch your face off." I explained that, while emotionally satisfying, his proposal didn't do much to solve the problem at hand. Like any good demagogue he stuck to his guns, so we put it to a vote, weighted by size and presence of higher cognitive function, and the crate-and-car idea won the day.) I've got him in the bathroom right now until I'm convinced he's rediscovered the concept of "litter box" (he was an outdoor cat down in Oly, and really can't be here for various reasons).
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