Я всегда втайне надеялся, что правительство Дональда - не полные идиоты.
И вот подтверждение - переняли у европейцев тактику "кошмаринья" больших корпораций.
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/15/technology/google-antitrust-investigation.html WASHINGTON - The Justice Department is planning to file antitrust charges against Google as early as this summer, said two people with knowledge of the situation, in what would be one of the biggest antitrust actions by the United States since the late 1990s.
The Justice Department is still investigating the internet company and has been making progress on its case, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the details were confidential. The regulators are focused on Google’s dominance in the online advertising industry, and the case will also involve allegations that the company abused its dominant position in online search to harm competitors, the people said.
Вместо того, чтобы по-честному ввести прогрессивную ставку для корпораций, додик вроде бы снизил налоги в своём Jobs and Tax Act 2017, а с другой - "добирает потери" через такие иски к компаниям, которые (по его мнению) должны дополнительно "поделиться профитом".