Drabble Poem for Queen haldoor

Jul 27, 2009 10:51

Title: Best Judge
Rating: PG-13
Character: Sayid
Word Count: 100
Spoilers: season three
Summary: A guilty man makes the best judge.
A/N: For lostsquee Luau Queen Haldoor, though I’m afraid this is neither smutty Sawyer/Sayid nor a haiku/limerick.

Best Judge

Snap. That’s the sound of a neck
breaking between his feet -
fragile, like a chicken’s neck;
human lives
our bones
are almost as brittle. That’s the sound
of a little crack, a tear on his conscience
he chooses to ignore.
He’s done it before: held a bleeding drill, shoved
bamboo shoots into flesh under fingernails.
It’s not the same, no shame now to shatter him.
Killing is barely easier for a soldier,
but death is close and he knows
the other was another like him.
A guilty man makes the best judge
in this life, if not in the next.


drabble, fic, poetry, lost

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