Jun 29, 2007 21:20
1) AP chemistry- M. Biller
2) Spanish 3-4- D. Kaphingst
3) AcDec- H. Linker
4) AP calculus- R. Becker
5) Choralaires- J. Saul
6) AP English- C. Blackey
I have Kaphingst again........ DAMNDAMNDAMNDAMNDAMNDAMNDAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He said he wouldn't be moving up to spanish 3-4 but he LIED!!!!!!!! I am PISSED!!!!! I REALLY don't like that guy... and not only that, but my next class after that is over by ROTC, which is on the other side of the school from the spanish rooms! And I don't think Linker is going to give us extra time to get there :-\
I don't like my schedule. At least I'm not switching between classes this year, thank god!