[Personal] Random Meme!

Feb 27, 2011 17:41

Since mikarocker oh so graciously tagged me with this, I feel like it could be fun to fill out -- you'll definitely know what I've been up to for the last hour or so after going through this. Oh man. :D

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their journal and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.

B) Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
I have no friends to tag..at least no one who hasn't been tagged already. So, I give up. If you want to go ahead and do it for yourself, then I tag you! YOU, YOU, YOU, YOU, YOU, YOU, YOU, and YOU!!

1. Make a list of 5 things that are in reach:
Cell phone, Nintendo DS, iPod touch/speakers, pencil case, stack of engineering paper.

2. What is your favorite holiday?
I have two! Christmas and Chinese New Year. :D

3. What is one item of clothing you wish you could always wear?
Tshirts...I wish they were appropriate for everything. SADNESS.

4. What's your occupation?
Engineering student and research assistant.

5. What do you hear right now?
Akanishi Jin's Murasaki from my iPod, the hum from my laptop cooling pad, and birds chirping outside my window!

6. Who was the last person you hugged?
My parents, when they left for home after visiting for the weekend. ;0;

7. What random song just popped in your head now?
Akanishi Jin's Murasaki, since it's playing on my iPod. Obviously.

8. What did you do today?
Woke up, ate my dad's crepes for breakfast, called my grandparents, went on a nice walk outside, discussed military history with my parents, called into Givology's executive board weekly conference call, ate the lunch my parents prepared, went to the local mall with my parents to redeem a coupon, came back to my apartment and parted with my parents, now doing various things.

9. What was the last text message you received?
tinkchick555 being excited about the email I had sent her (with Akanishi Jin's Eternal single for download)...we do music exchanged quite often.

10. What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Gmail, LJ, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, various Jpop/Kpop merchandise hubs.

11. What is your next big planned purchase?
Akanishi Jin's Yellow Gold DVD, Limited Edition Version A. (I'll be pre-ordering it as soon as I get my $5 coupon!)

12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
China, Taiwan, Japan, S. Korea, Egypt, India, Germany, France (again), and basically everywhere else in the world I haven't been to yet. :(

13. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I will still probably be in graduate school if not finishing up! After that, hopefully at a research job at a national laboratory like the NIH or NRL or Walter Reed, etc. :D

14. Where's your tattoo/Where would you like a tattoo?
I don't have or want a tattoo, but I wouldn't say no to a couple more ear piercings!

15. What are you doing this weekend?
Next weekend is the start of my AMAZING spring break! I'll be on a train to NYC on Saturday morning and will be there through the next Thursday -- hopefully having fun with my sis and mikarocker !!

16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
I play violin, piano, and flute already, but I would love to learn cello, guitar, and harp as well as improve my current musical abilities as much as I can.

17. What's the one thing you need the most now?

18. Are you a creeper?
Yes, when it comes to my friends...just ask lalazor15  and jihwans.

19. What is your dream job?
Research at a national laboratory (see question 13).

20. What's the last good movie you saw?
Does re-watching movies count? Flags of Our Fathers and The Heroes of Iwo Jima (documentary). :D


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