Kei x Saku = OTP! XDD; -shot-
Ahaha, we are such dorks., I'm getting a lot of this whole "you know, you two could be related D:" thing & general confusion from people about who's who. And I kind of have to agree that we look alike. Or, at the very least, dress alike. haha. I think that's what gets people confused.
Anyway, thank you all for your birthday greetings and well wishes (I'd reply to them all individually, but I'm lazy. Hey, at least I'm honest about it. Hahahaha). I had a great time just shopping, talking, kancho-ing/hard gay dancing around. I also ate a lot of sushi ($60+ brother footed the bill. AHAHAHHAA).
And, of course, the obligatory set of photos:
As you can see, this set is very much inspired by Jun Hyuck (The Seed) & Ryu Seung Ha.
Here's something for you guys. I've been meaning to introduce/upload music by them for the longest time, but never had much motivation to do so. You can thank
rai_ei for kicking me into gear. :D
ARTIST: Vellselk
RELEASE: 艶々アンティーク [Fascinating Antique mini-album]
DOWNLOAD: - Fascinating Antique.rarTRACKLIST:
01. One for all,all for one ♪♪♪♪
02. live more
03. ミッドナイトナイスガイズ [Midnight nice guys]
04. M.W.F ♪♪
05. scream lullaby~失意の風籟~ [scream lullaby ~shitsui no kaze fue~] ♪♪♪♪
06. ひとかけら [Hitokakera]
COMMENTS: Well, I know absolutely nothing about this band. I'm completely new to them too. They aren't straight out metal, but are, rather, a rock band with very strong metal influences. There are tons of metal guitar solos, the drumming is fast-paced, and they're quite loud. The vocalist has a very nice voice, strong and clear with pretty good range. I highly recommend scream lullaby~失意の風籟~ [scream lullaby ~shitsui no kaze fue~], which is notable because his voice is quite powerful and doesn't get lost amongst the instruments.
Since it's already 4:10 am, I'll wait till a little later to post an introduction & review of Blast's downer of the world mini-album. So look forward to that ♥