just reposting it so ppl know what to vote for tomorrow =D
PREZ: Dennis Kucinich (write-in)
PROP 1A: YES. creates a bullet train connecting LA to SF. so good!! we need TRAINS again (damn you general motors...)
PROP 2: YES. "Requires that calves raised for veal, egg-laying hens and pregnant pigs be confined only in ways that allow these animals to lie down, stand up, fully extend their limbs and turn around freely."
PROP 3: NO. Who wants to spend a billion dollars on childrens health care?? just stop feeding them fucking sugar and mcshit and they'll be ok!! and tell women to get off the fucking crack and booze while theyre pregnant too! that costs way less than a billion dollars, i'm sure. No but seriously, using this money to have free or low cost courses available to pregnant women to inform them of how to conceive a healthy baby is a much better use of money, rather than using it in hospitals, where the fucking trillion dollar drug companies should be helping out anyways.
Prop 4: NO. If youre under age and having an abortion, youre probably in a troubled family, and your dad will likely beat you to death if he finds out. so, lets keep it a secret, shall we?
Prop 5: YES. Lets give criminals treatment to put them back on track.
Prop 6: NO. The fucking po-lice do NOT need more money to do nothing but sit on their fucking asses. And, I dont want my crew being locked up just cuz we're a 'gang'. this is BS. Research has shown time and time again, A STRONGER PENALTY DOES NOT DETER FROM CRIME!! THE DEATH PENALTY DOES NOT WORK!! kthx.
Prop 7: YES. I researched this one a little more, and found out that its PG&E/Edison/Sempra who are paying off everyone else to say no on 7. So, well..I think you can understand how that goes.
Prop 8: NO. Lets let Yamai get married, shall we? ha ha ha..like anyone would marry him.
Prop 9: NO. Looks like a bunch of bureaucratic shit by those giant prison corporations (yes, look it up if you dont believe me) trying to lock more people up in jail for bullshit. No thanks!!
Prop 10: NO. It sounds good on paper, but this is actually T. Boone Picken's (or whatever his name is) idea for using his large share in natural gas to his benefit. In reality, he wants YOU to pay for HIS infrastructure so HE can make more money. Lets tell the rich motherfucker to go fuck himself.
Prop 11: NO. Redistricting is usually a bad idea, likely done by the republicans so they can try and get more seats in the house of reps. Although I'm very mad now because my salary at work just went down because these fuckers just voted in the $700billion bandage to 'fix' the economy. Ya right.
http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/01/paul.qanda/ read here about what REALLY should happen. Ron Paul is very smart..I wish it was him that was running against Obama, then I wouldnt care about the outcome.
Prop 12: NO. People who joined the military and went to Iraq are obviously stupid and don't need another billion dollars to buy a house or a farm. they can go sell crack on the street or something instead. WW2 veterans should be given stuff though, as that was the last war that was worth fighting for.