funny stories

Aug 10, 2006 18:19

Well the past few days have been, interesting to say the least. Alright, so i was given a gift certificate to Circuit City by a relative, thats cool and all. However when i go to cash that damn thing in, i find that its an online thing only and none of the employees have any idea how to handle it. They tell me its the first of its kind they have ever seen, and plus i hear that it has frozen up their systems. So after spending roughly a hour there, i realize this is going no where. So i tell them that i can check online on my email about it, they say sure, and we find out that the print out i have(the copy i got from the store) had 6 numbers cut out of it(and it wan't the same number). So yes i have no idea what they did becasue the number I had did not have any balance, the other number wans't complete.... The employees did some clever manipulations and said that they got the other number(through the order number or something) and got it done. But that took a lot longer than it should have.

Now if that wasn't fun enough, i got to meet my brother.. yea that was an interesting scenario. A tad akward but hey family is family.

The coolest thing besides the above, is that work is finally starting to get good. I am being given jobs that actually feel like they have significance. And ironcially its as my work period is winding down. Go figure

Finally this lebanon thing is getting annoying. They clearly got in over their heads, both sides. israel probably thought, "ha we will show some force and then they will give our soldiers back and the US will be even more supportive because we went after terrorists" The forces of Hezbollah definitly thought "we took two soldiers... worst they will send some rescue forces... shit they sent an army" But now more Lebanese are dying than the supposed parties involved. Israel needs an out... I dont see what is so bad about saying "this is what we can do, we will withdraw for now but you ppl of lebanon better help us or we will have to go even further" I know this sounds like a threat but charging in this far there isn't much they can do. What they seem to be waiting for is the UN or the US to give them an out.. by giving an "offical" statement saying withdraw and then Israel wants to say "oh damn, your lucky, if it wasn't for the UN we would have kept going.".. stupid bravado and wanting to appear strong.
In the international community giving the impression of strenght is one thing, but also shouldn't one give the impression of sanity? Of diplomatic maneuvering that allows least lives lost but greatest amount gained?
Its one thing to kill soldiers(yea i have an explination) and another to kill civilians, in terrorist organisations they join by choice. In the Israel army they are trained. Civilians are neither. THey have not chosen to give up their lives for their cause, nor have they been trained to defend themselves if they are forced into a life or death situation. In the past, there was a tradition, warriors fight warriors, civilians were not hurt, and if they were the invading army was called "barbarian". And personally i think that soldiers should only fight soldiers, that way both sides have been trained, and both sides(hopefully) are made up of people willing to die for that is being fought over. Rather than having civilians die who may not even know WHAT is being fought over irrelevant of what side they may be on.

"Kill a soldier, take a life; Kill a civilian, mar your soul"
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