read if you care to... just another survey

Jun 19, 2006 20:47

I will update legitly later on when i find time and compile all that has happend in the last monthish.. its been alot, nothing bad(depending on your view) but an enlightning amount lets just say.. yet somehow i found time to do this, when during that time i could have done a update...

[Name] Manu
[Nickname] Manuman(derived from my next one), hanuman, catboy(only one made by friends)
[Birthday] October 3rd
[Age] 18
[Your zodiac sign] Libra
[Location] Lexington
[Sexual Preference] Straight
[Marital Status] Single
[Eye color] Brownish black
[Height] 5'8"
[Shoe size] 10ish
[Parents still together] yes
[Siblings] Akshay
[Pets] i wish... T.T
[In school/graduated] Graduated from HS, in College
[What do you drive] Nessian Ultima '94 edition

[Color] Black
[Animal] Wolf
[Vehicle] Kawasaki Ninja(just for the name and the kickassness) or the new Mustang(which i wish i could afford)
[Flower] does it burn?
[Scent] Hot sauce
[Soda] Root Beer

Do you...
[Color your hair?] No
[Twirl your hair?] No
[Have Piercings?] No
[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?] I wish
[Cheated on a test or something?] Guess
[Drink/Smoke?] Sometimes
[Like roller coasters?] Hell ya
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] No.
[Want more piercings?] eh, no explicit need
[Write in cursive or print?] cursive
[Sweat a lot?] yea not the thinnest dude..
[Know how to drive?] Yes
[Diet?] no
[Own a cell phone?] Yes


1. Jeff
2. Alex
3. Jesse
4. Gena
5. Tiki
6. Josh
7. Abhik
8. Eric
9. Matt
10. Ilya
11. Sarah
12. Audrey
13. Dan
14. Lina
15. Dave
16. Jackie
17. Simon
18. Collin
19. Dave K.
20. Kristen

When was the last time you saw #12? AB '06

What's the last thing you and #4 did together? Partied it up at work today

What was the last thing you and #16 talked about? Martial arts practice at College

Who did #5 last date? Caro(currently)

What's #20's best feature? Light Heartedness

What were you last mad at #2 for? nothing really, if i had to say probably the overflowing closet

Who's #17's best friend? An excelent question....

Is/was #6 in any of your classes? Sword class?

How did you meet #11? Sat of X-III

Does #1 have any siblings? A sister

How many years have you and #3 been friends? mid of first sem of college

What does #19 want to be when they grow up? Controller of adminstrative networks and general overlord of connections...

What's #9's middle name? *blink*....

Who's the last person #18 dated? no idea

Who does #14 have a crush on? eeeh...

Who last broke #15's heart? Dave care to share?

What clique does #7 fit into at school? Crazy bastards, just like the rest of us

Where is #13 right now? House i would assume

Has your mom ever met #10? Nope

Who's #8's worst enemy? i am not sure, fishy seems too chill...

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