Mar 17, 2005 19:34
Oh wow, today's field trip was awesome.
Despite the fact that I really didn't know anyone there, I made quite a number of friends during the time of workshops, breaks, and bus drives. My sympathies to anyone taking German that didn't go: you missed out on oodles of fun.
The best part were the contests, like the yodeling and mug holding. Westfield tied with Madison, and Scotch Plains tied with Milburn. Oh geez Frau, triying your best to be fair...haha. The mug holding contest was next, and your friendly neightborhood Em was in it, representing Westfield in the girls' contest. I have no idea how long I had I lasted, but my arm was spazzing out within the first minute at least. Thanks to the cheering of 20 or so people (yelling, "GO EMILY!" or "DO IT FOR WESTFIELD!" and some other catchy phrases) I managed to pull through as a winner. After I was declared winner, I tried lowering the mug to the ground (the thing must've weighed at lest 10 pounds, it was massive) but my arm kinda freaked out on me, and i dropped the mug when it was about a foot or so away from the floor. Water spilled everywhere, and I felt really bad, 'cause Frau had to clean it up. Eric, however, was deeply disappointed and said I should have splashed the water on my opponent. XD; Ellen said I would be good for javelin. Haha.
We got back sometime after 2, leaving me with a free period. Yay. =D
My arm is still sore though. >_o