dreams and friends they remind me of

Jun 19, 2005 08:26

Had an interesting dream this morning. Lately I've been thinking of old friends. I realized I seriously miss 3 of them. 1 of them moved and might be coming back. Another I moved from and lost touch. The third, well it's majority my fault things turned out this way. I did the very things I blamed him for. I know, it sounds alot like me, pushing my faults onto others. I know he's not human in mindset, and I had no right to blame him when he didn't act human. I paid so much damned attention to myself, that I caused the friendship to rot. If he reads this, he'll know I'm speaking of him. Mayhaps if I attempt, I can rebuild what I destroyed. He may not have been what I expected, but he's my brother. Taken me 2 years to figure that out, and I still have alot of growing up to do yet.

A wise friend once told me "people come into your life only to give what they need to you" Both she and he are a part of my life still, whether they know it or not. I only hope I can one day make amends for what I did to them.
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