Title: Easier things (1/??)
Genre: Shounen ai, some fluff
Pairing: SasuNaru
Rating: G to PG
x-posted in
sasuxnaru and
bokuranoboken Things would have been a lot easier for him if it was a girl and it wasn't his very male rival he had fallen for. He wouldn’t have to think of gifts fitting for a boy yet relaying the message of a lover. He wouldn’t have to anticipate an embarrassing rejection or lethal blow on the head. And, worse of all, he definitely wouldn’t want his rival's fangirls, a certain pink-colored team mate and her blond rival-slash-best friend, after his skin. God knows what horrors those groupies can cook up with his rotting carcass and their immense devotion for the object of his, and their, affection.
It would’ve been easier if he were just a timid yet kind girl. His note for her would be stashed discreetly in her locker, anonymous yet tempting. Not some angry scribble about a challenge match in some torn piece of scroll. Sadly, his love was anything but timid and kind. And neither was he a girl.
Yet he was there anyway, just as his note instructed; bearing no tangible present whatsoever, other than cowardice masked by his trepidation. Or idiocy. Or even both.
But the object of his defiant affection arrived as he planned. He warmed-up before hand, looking as bored as he should be, though surprised at the change of location. They didn’t need any note beforehand whenever a challenge occurred, it just sort of happened when their tolerance level reached a critical stage.
He had his back at his rival, afraid to look at him in the eye. He wanted to back down at once, but a rush of boldness took over his heart. Besides if he gave up now his rival now object-of-affection. would think that he was chicken. And he wasn’t. At least, when it didn’t involve a love confession that is.
His rival turned object of affection told him that they should get it on because he had to practice afterwards. So he launched an attack first, quick and calculating. The other boy dodged, as he normally did and at the same time was on the offensive as a knee caused him to him scramble to the ground. And he anticipated that move so he quickly got on his feet and lounged another punch aimed at his rival (turned object-of-affection)'s face. There was a punch on his own face instead.
His rival turned object-of-affection jeered at his speed, pointing out that he was obviously not in the right mind for battle at that time and that he should stop wasting his precious time. He knew all along, that there was definitely something up. His rival turned object-of-affection was keen, and it didn’t console him that he was perceptive enough to analyze his thoughts without saying anything.
A battle without these feelings was easier than this one. It only took him ten minutes to taste grass and dirt with that "love thing" bothering him. He wasn’t even sure if he was really in love, or he just wanted to think of someone while doing his "thing" during those alone times. Why was he not content with gratifying himself, he didn’t know why. And then he assured himself, that he must be like Sakura and the other girls. A male version of them, at least, minus that giggling and fawning that they did. He thought if his rival turned object-of-affection would appreciate the giggling and fawning if it were him doing it…
And then there was a kick that came towards his gut he had to dodge it first. So he made a decision, if he were successful enough to pin his rival now object of affection to the ground, he would then convey his feelings no matter how painful his eventual rejection may be.
He eventually did manage to pin a stunned-looking rival to the ground. They breathed deeply in unison and there were no words exchanged between them. His rival turned object-of-affection refused to writhe free from the weight of the body on top of him, much to his surprise. And then, he had to say it.
He started rather nonchalantly about being their rivalry, and how it came to be. They were kids back then, a fresh batch of young shinobi-in-training. His rival's love was the pride of his clan while he was a mere neglected child. He wanted to be something, and he wanted something that he had and when he couldn’t get it, he was sad.
A raised eyebrow was his response so he sighed and got straight to the point. He said that he thought that this rival thing was cool and all, but he feels something else towards him. And it must be weird for a supposed rival to tell him it, but he likes him. A lot. A lot enough to want him to like him back as well.
Another raised eyebrow was his response but instead of mere silence, he got an insult to his mental capacity. Dobe. He closed his eyes and braced himself for a blow on his body and heart but it never came. Instead, he opened his eyes and found himself alone and confused. He slumped to the ground, ignoring his smarting body. His heart hurt a lot more.
Stupid Sasuke.
He tried to hate him but he couldn’t.
A/N: I'm quite new to this style of writing so forgive me if it sounds confusing a little. This un-beta'd and a result of lack of sleep and a depressing PoT episode T__T Feel free to bitch-slap me with comments and constructive criticism.