Why does Massu even likes Tegoshi? Tegoshi’s selfish. Tegoshi’s a brat. Tegoshi’s on drugs. Tegoshi sucks! Not really, but well, Massu’s not like Tegoshi at all.
Except in the loyalty in their friendship, in the lack of fashion sense, in the want they had for having fun, in the love for singing, and in the “on drugs” part. And minor things that don't deserve being listed.
So, they’re not that different either. They’re like two fitting pieces in a puzzle: away from each other, they seem to have absolutely nothing in common, but they fit so beautifully that their differences actually don’t matter.
And they are best friends! Tegoshi even calls Massu Taka now. Besides, they’re a unit together, and a good one. All of this is for the win.
Mabudachi love always make the humanity happy. Guys who are so close that lose their dignity to be with each other! (any fan of Kanjani8 will understand what I’m talking about.) It’s even better when the said guys are BFF from back their childhood days. AND it’s the best when they seem to be the type who slaps and right after kisses it better. Try picturing Ryo and Pi living together. It’s something like:
Pi: Ryo-chan, you left your towel on my bed. D:
Ryo: *in the kitchen* Yeah.
Pi: Pick it up please. D:
Ryo: Ok. *doesn’t get out*
Pi:’re kinda impossible. -_-
Ryo bursts out suddenly with a bowl of udon.
Pi: Nanda? o___o
Ryo: *hands the bowl to Pi* I don’t know how to cook and it’s slightly burnt, but you better eat it! *goes to the bedroom to pick the towel*
Pi: ...that’s dangerous, but cute.
It sounds like a very exciting love life, doesn’t it? With burnt udon and etc. So, well, the spiced relationship between the two of them makes Ryopi for the win.
First of all reasons: they look HELLA GOOD together.
Now, to the rational reasons. They were in M.A.I.N. together, and, what can I say, M.A.I.N. created strong bonds among its members. Besides, had anyone noticed that Jun is kinda the third - or fifth - wheel on Arashi? They have Ohmiya and Sakuraiba, and we must face the facts that not even Juntoshi or Sakumoto are as popular as these two. Poor Jun. So, Very gay good friends + look good together + not leaving anybody to the cockroaches = JUNMA! 8D
And, to put a cherry on top, they’re also two different people who fit very well, but their strong personalities may collide sometimes. They’re a mix of Tegomass and Ryopi. That’s VERY for the win.