Title: Kevin is not a girl.
Group: U-Kiss.
Pairing: None. Depends on your ~imagination~.
Rating: PG13 for mentions to shirtless Kevin. Yeah, I know right.
Warning: Bad English.
Summary: Kevin is not a girl, U-Kiss is here to tell you that.
N/A: Defending Kevin's honor. Or something.
It’s recording.
Ah, already? Oh, ok, ok. So, kids, today we’re going to discuss a very important thing-wait, is this good? This kind of intro?
It’s good, it’s good.
Okay. Well, we’ll now discuss a very important matter; many of you maybe thinking that my close friend and bandmate Kevin Woo is a girl, because he has dressed like Jessica on Star King and danced Sonyeo Shidae’s Oh in many shows. Yet, my friends! I have some shocking news for you all! Kevin Woo-
Don’t put it like something shocking! Why is it shocking?
Oh, I’m sorry, it isn’t actually shocking. (laughter) I just wanted to put some emotion. Anyway, Kevin Woo is not a girl! Where did you get this idea, anyway? It’s the modern world! Boys can dress up as girls, girls can dress up as boys - it’s all for fun! This ‘Kevin is a girl’ thing kind of turned into a joke, but he doesn’t like it very much. Every time we go out together to eat some cheesecakes and parfaits, the guy at the counter calls him ‘cutie’ and gives him a discount! This is seriously… wait, this is actually a good thing. Then he always gets discounts-
This is not the point…
Right, this is not the point! Kevin is not a girl. He may not be a beasty bad boy or something like that, but he’s definitely a gentleman! He offers to pay for things even when it’s just among friends, and he even has a six pack! I think. I think he still has his six pack! (laughter) Anyway, Kevin is a boy, and a great boy! If I were a girl-
Erm, aren’t you overdoing it a bit? Like…
(laughter) Am I? Sorry! Anyway, Kevin is not a girl. Okay, I’m finished.
So, I should get straight to the point: although many say U-Kiss’ Kevin looks and acts like a girl, he is not one. The fact that he’s in a boyband should make this clear, right? Since U-Kiss wasn’t presented as a mixed group or anything. I understand that it may be hard for people who saw him on this and that show to be one hundred percent sure that he’s a boy, but he has manly features, like…
How do I say this…
Well! General manly features. It’s hard to explain. Besides, he was shirtless on our MV for ‘Shut Up!’, do you think we’d show a girl shirtless like that? It’d be so inappropriate! No, we wouldn’t do that, ever, so the fact that Kevin appeared shirtless it’s a proof.
That’s it? You were straightforward, hyung…
Anything for my Kevinnie! Now, can I get a hug?
Listen, we all know that Kevin is a girl but likes to keep that a secret.
Don’t scream like that, Kevin, it’s not pretty for a girl to act like that.
(intense laughter) Now, now, I’ll be serious. Kevin is not a girl. Everybody knows that, this is kind of dumb actually. What is the point?
Beside, I’m his bandmate and I just told you that he’s a guy, so you best just believe me.
I’m done. Was that good?
I thought you wouldn’t do it…
It feels bad to hate me right now, doesn’t it?
Hyung, I said ‘go’.
Oh, right now? Sorry. Kevin is not a girl because he is a guy. Since he was born as a guy and did not undergo any surgery, it is impossible for him to be a girl, because human beings can’t be part of two genders at the same time.
It’s impossible, isn’t it? I don’t actually know-
Let’s just assume it is.
So it’s impossible. If he were a cartoon’s character, it could be possible, but he’s not, so he’s a guy.
He often dresses himself up as a girl, but this doesn’t mean he’s a girl, because, if he were, he’d dress up as a girl all the time, so doing it for fun would be pointless. Is it too confusing? I think that’s all.
Yeah, that’s all.
Um, so, reasons why Kevin isn’t a girl. First, because he has flat chest-I mean, there are flat-chested girls out there, but… it’s different. It’s a different kind of flatness. I mean, Kevin has no curves, so he would just be a really skinny and curveless girl-um, no offense.
None taken.
Second: it’s not because he knows girlgroup’s dance that he’s a girl! He also likes pink and Minnie Mouse, and sweets, but none of these make him a girl. I mean, just because it’s a group of characteristics that usually are of a girl’s-erm, you get what I mean, right?
Third: he was in TWO boybands already! It’d be impossible for him to do it if he were a girl. This thing of a girl disguising herself as a guy to be part of a band only happens on dramas. I mean, it’s kind of hard, right? It has a lot of… well…
Fourth: he was shirtless on our ‘Shut Up!’ MV! A girl would be really embarrassed to do that! I mean, he was really embarrassed and all, but…
What’s wrong?
You’re really not a girl, right?
WHAT? Of course not! Why would I be doing this if I were?
I don’t know! A-anyway! Kevin is not a girl. It’s what he says.
Kevin is not a girl! He is not! He’s just a unique guy. But a guy! Okay, that’s it.
Hi, here’s U-Kiss' Dongho. Kevin hyung is not a girl, because, if he were, we two would be dating. That’s all. Bye bye~!
… Dongho, this is not the point.
Of course it is! If you were a girl, you’d be so cute, hyung.
But hyung is not cute, so he’s not a girl. Now, that’s really the end. Bye bye~!