Title: Hideaway
Group: Kanjani8
Pairing: Ohyass
Rating: PG
Warning: None
Summary: No matter how long we look, there are some things we just can't see.
N/A: Keeping the series alive, even if it's some sort of drabble, I'd say. Also, I've always adored Ohyass, but now it feels like a sudden explosion of affection for that pairing D:
The spotlights are on.
Everyone can see them looking at different directions and smiling and acting childishly only to be scolded by Hina with a not so light smack on the top of their heads.
They can all see Ohkura’s stomach growling and he has the cutest puzzled face, palming his tummy and asking for food already. And they laugh when Yoko makes a witty joke about him with a smug smile, Maru blasts with laughter, not mocking, just finding their antics hilarious. They see Yasu being kind and loving to his members, helping them out with the brightest smile. Eito says Yasu is annoying and girly and asks what is up with those skirts, but knows, like everybody else does, they need that Yasu and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Everybody is there to hear Ohkura say, “Yassan is doing such an awesome work,” with that quiet smile of his. They share a polite laughter and Yasu answers, “Ohkura-kun is a really great kid who is turning into a very manly man, isn’t he?” There are unanimous sounds of understanding with a certain level of awe. They keep on with the interview and there’s nothing to notice.
Everyone can watch, amazed, as Ohkura bangs his drums with unusual ferocity, exhaling electric waves, being wild and loud like he never is; they observe Yasu playing his guitar with all his might and passion, his eyes becoming intense, losing a bit of their childish brightness and replacing it with a mysterious, beautiful one. They see when their eyes meet - there are sparkles and it’s fire, but just as it starts, it vanishes, and no one realizes but them. They look at the others and find knowing glances, but they don’t last long, there’s way too much energy going on for that.
The spotlights are turned off.
No one sees them all heading to the dressing room. No one catches it when Yasu says he’ll be visiting his sister that night or Ohkura replies he’ll go out with a childhood friend to Hina’s invitation to hang out. All of the guys leave happily together, catcalling and laughing and talking much louder than necessary, making a huge show of it by just being themselves.
The dressing room is almost completely empty and Yasu is tying his shoes calmly when he sees Ohkura through the corner of his eye. And there isn’t even one pair of eyes to witness Yasu’s secretive grin meeting Ohkura’s and to judge how shy and awkward they look, but it’s just the appearances. Their fingers brush casually and the heat and electricity are back again.
No ears hear the question. “Your place or mine?” Yasu’s voice is barely an excited whisper and Ohkura looks around and grabs his hand, using his own body to enclose Yasu’s in a corner and it’s hurried and sweet. His fingers feel warm and cold at the tips and slightly sweaty, but never leave his own, even as he bend down and presses his lips to Yasu’s soft ones. He then nuzzles his nose into the nook of his neck, just behind his ear and he’d been expecting the shiver that runs down Yasu’s spine but still hums into the skin as he feels it against his body.
There’s no audience to notice their reluctant glances as they break apart and Ohkura answers, “Mine. I want to cook you something nice,” and Yasu feels fuzzy. They share one last gaze of complicity, vowing silently to meet, sure, and never voice their passion on the way out.
No one sees it and they’re alone; they believe it’s the perfect hideaway.