i've just starting to complete my hyakushiki episodes. After looooooong journey collecting episodes of Johnys Show such as Soukon (and it has ended in 19th episode! so short neeee~ T,T), Cartoon Kattun (it also finished =.=), YYJumping (still ongoing), and Ya-ya-yah... and now, i'm going to this one!
At the begining, just like another Johnys show, like SK, itteQ, etc, i'm not so interested to complete the episodes of this show, i just download some clips. But since Shoon and Daiki takes role in this show.... jaaa, HYAKUSHIKI~ I'M COMIIIING!!! it also become a chance to know keito, inoo, and other Jr. better :3
As usual, i'm depend on
Je-Index subbed video, then looking for "Hyakushiki". HEEEEEY!!! how disappointing! a lot links become "private" and FORBIDDEN FOR ME! =3=
But, some links are provided FREELY for us. Thanks a lot to
shimai_fs for NOT LOCKING their post! ^^
and some individual subber, arigachuuuuu~~~ <3
After looking around LJ, i'm going to YOUTUBE as usual.. hehehe ^^ (wishing i could found some English Subbed Episodes)
searching, searching, aaaaaaaaaaaaaand....
i found this~
Click to view
i've just realize (yeah, i've read bout it before, but i just ignore that news =.=) that shoon has left johnys just like TAIYO! huaaaaaaaaaa yabaaaaaiiiiii >,<
hmm... this episode is kinda HILLARIOUS, ahahaha, although there isn't any subtitle, but i'm entertained by their easy-to-understand-joking ^^
and i found SANADA YUMA! (^3^) Johnys Jr. who acted really funny in this episode. and after that (as usual) i'm surfing google and find out who is he, then i found sum (papa) pics of him, here is it~
i wonder if he loves wearing vendora =.=
<- seems like chinen~ :D
*click on pikku to enlarge* credit : Baidu and random LJ.
Kakkoi naaaa? (^u^) hufff~ that's all for today~ いただきま~す!! (i'm going to lunch after this, haha)