I hate it when this happens.

Nov 23, 2006 02:43

Well, here I sit at 2 in the morning slightly cold, nervous, excited, and tired. Kinda wish I wasn't tired. Sadly enough this always seems to happen to me right before I head home from Idaho.

There really isn't any large airport in Idaho, the closest one being more than an hour away, and all they have are shuttle flights that take you to an airlines respective hub, then off to your destination. This, however is quite expensive. So it ends up being cheaper by a few hundred dollars to fly out of Salt Lake City airport, about 3 hours away. Thankfully there are shuttle busses that take anyone from Rexburg right to the airport. The only bad thing is, that in order to make it to pretty much any flight, I need to leave at 5 in the morning.

I doubt many of you know this, but I've just barely set my sleeping schedual to be normal for the Mountain standard time, but even if I were to put myself to sleep at 8 at night, I still couldn't gaurantee that I'd wake up in time to check that everything is packed and that I made it to the shuttle stop ontime. So I often opt to stay awake through the night (not unlike tonight/this morning) I can't rely on an alarm clock because, as it turns out, I'm a very, very deep sleeper. My roomies have made crappy videos with their cameras of them trying to wake me up for church and other various occasions (I think my favorite one is when they stuck a small snowman on my face and watched it melt. That was wierd to wake up from.)

So I've developed ways of keeping myself awake. And one of them happens to be writing. Since I havn't the pen or paper to do that, typing will have to do. Here are some of the other methods, just in case you need them at some point in time.

A dose of funny: I forces you to keep doing something. Forces you mind to wrap itself around something and provides mild muscle stimulation.

Keep cool: not cold, but cool. Just enough to make you shiver, but not quite enough to make you need to put on a coat. Best done by drinking Ice water. Forced mild muscle stimulation, mild discofort, and if you want to get warm, force yourself to move around.

Writing: Makes you think. While anything that you write at 2 in the morning probably won't be as coherant as you'd like it to be, or as eliquent, or as properly worded or spelled out, It's something to do. It helps if you try to plan out what you're writing just a bit before hand.

Sit in a not quite uncomfortable position: It's dificult to nod off when you're not comfy.

And that's about all I've got for right now, should probably keep packing.
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