Video game violence-- a rebuttal

Jul 27, 2005 13:34

This column does a good job of rebutting some of the attacks on video game violence, such as those made recently by Hillary Clinton. Based on the column, I suggest this method of shutting down people who claim video games cause children to be more violent.

Ignorant person: "I can't believe all these violent video games! It's just kill, kill, kill! We're raising a generation of murderers! Kids should go outside and play instead of training to dismember people and shoot cops!"
Informed person: "You're right. We should remove all violent games from our children. Like football and dodgeball."
At this point, a good red-blooded American who loves football and dodgeball will stop to reconsider. If this argument doesn't work, it can also be pointed out that there has been a decrease in youth violence even as violent video games have been increasing in popularity.

gaming, opinion

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