Many endangered Bat species are being illegally collected

Dec 10, 2008 17:01

caption="A Chinese Pipestrelle Bat Skeleton. One of the most commonly sold bat specimens. Chinese Pipistrelle or Pipistrellus pulveratus is listed on the IUCN Red list (1996) of Threatened Species."

Notice: Dapper Cadaver will no longer be carrying authentic bat specimens as many species of bats are threatened or endangered and are being illegally collected. If you have any love of these creatures please do not purchase any more bat related products. We love both bats and bat specimens at Dapper Cadaver and our decision to discontinue them was not any easy choice to make, but it was the right choice to make.

It is the policy of Dapper Cadaver to not trade in specimens of any threatened species, only common game, livestock, lab raised, or pest animals. All other specimens are replicas.

The plight of formerly common bats was brought to my attention by the Bat World Sanctuary. I support their efforts and have posted a copy of our exchange below.

From: Bat World Sanctuary
Subject: bat specimens in jars
Date: Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 1:51 PM

Dear Dapper Cadaver Owner,

I am disappointed to see your company selling real bat specimens in jars. The bats that end up in these jars are healthy, wild caught mothers collected in NM. They are harvested during baby season, leaving behind an infant to starve to death. These bats have a potential lifespan of 25 years in the wild and will eat millions of insects in their lifetime:

Bat populations are in severe decline around the world, and free-tailed bats are listed as a species of Special Concern by US Fish and Wildlife. I hope that you will consider not selling this item. I look forward to your response.




Amanda Lollar, Founder/President

Bat World Sanctuary

Bat World Sanctuary is a non-profit,
all volunteer organization that provides
rescue for bats worldwide. For more
information about bats and how they
make our world a better place please

From: BJ W
To: Bat World Sanctuary
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 5:54:49 PM
Subject: Re: bat specimens in jars

The bat specimens we carry, of which there are only 2 bats and 4 diaphanous bats, were purchased from a museum specimen preparer who was retiring and selling off any remaining specimens. The age of the specimens is unknown, but they were definitely collected years ago. We have no contact with anyone else dealing in bat specimens and will not be ordering more. We have since stopped selling the mounted bat skeleton as well.

We try to make it a point at Dapper Cadaver not to deal in any specimens of rare animals, and all the real specimens we do have are common lab, livestock, or game animals. Unfortunately I am not a bat expert and was not able to positively ID the species of bat specimens we acquired.

I wholeheartedly support your work. I have volunteered at a veterinary clinic and a bird sanctuary and have been involved in several animal rescues including one bat rescue (it was trapped in a mall).

Best regards,
BJ Winslow
Dapper Cadaver

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Re: bat specimens in jars

Thursday, October 30, 2008 12:54 PM


"Bat World Sanctuary"
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Dear BJ,

Thank you for your response. I've very happy to know the specimens you have on hand are not among those that come from NM.




Amanda Lollar, Founder/President

Bat World Sanctuary

Bat World Sanctuary is a non-profit,
all volunteer organization that provides
rescue for bats worldwide. For more
information about bats and how they
make our world a better place please

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