Corner Garden

May 31, 2013 07:44

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Comments 24

pondhopper May 31 2013, 13:26:38 UTC
*laughs*...A LOT
You and I would be kindred spirits in many things but if we ever have to replace a whole toilet I would use the entire fixture as a planter...plants cascading out of both bowl and tank!
Love the Verbena in the tank!

You should receive a city beautification award for that is THAT pretty!


bojojoti June 1 2013, 06:55:39 UTC
I'm sure that former neighbor is happy she doesn't have to look at my toilets every day! My husband was a good sport to let me plant them. And now, they've become part of the corner.

Thanks! It's certainly an improvement over the black plastic, rocks, and weeds we inherited.


auntconi May 31 2013, 16:19:50 UTC
I had not noticed that your planters were recycled toilet parts
...your plants cascade and camouflage them well.
Your corner garden is, or was, lovely, as it will be again.
Mother nature seems to have the final say as to what she allows to grow...
and maintain, what with all the storms that blow through the areas.


bojojoti June 1 2013, 06:56:44 UTC
Toilet tanks actually make very good planters. Very sturdy!

Mother Nature has pruned a great many things out of our yard. She giveth, and she taketh away.


bluiidmommy May 31 2013, 17:01:48 UTC
When I come visit you, I think I will sit in your garden and just bask in the beauty.


bojojoti June 1 2013, 06:58:01 UTC
Come in spring! It will all shrivel and get crunchy by August. It perks up again in the autumn.

I'll paint the porch swing, and we can sip tea.


bluiidmommy June 5 2013, 13:11:36 UTC
Sounds good!


curiouswombat May 31 2013, 20:11:34 UTC
That is a beautiful corner - and how very different from when you found it. And I rather like the porcelain planters.


bojojoti June 1 2013, 07:01:02 UTC
The porcelain planters... I like the idea of recycling, and they make great planters. So many other materials won't endure our winters. These have lasted through several.


embrace_2012 May 31 2013, 20:15:22 UTC
Absolutely gorgeous!


bojojoti June 1 2013, 07:01:18 UTC
Thank you!


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