You Have the Power to Choose (what I read, anyway!)

May 20, 2013 04:49

From my friend kiwiria:

Hi all!

It's time to sign up for the June Edition of the Pick-For-Me Challenge. A bit later than usual this month, but it doesn't look like the long time-frame for picking books is necessary.

To sign up, post a comment with a link to your To-Be-Read list (be it on Goodreads, in a blog post, a google document... whatever! as long as it's publicly available). On May 25th I will close the sign-ups and assign a buddy for everybody.

Each person has until May 31st to pick 2 books (main choice + backup) from their buddy's TBR-list that they want them to read for the month of June.

End of June we'll return and talk about the books we've read.

I hope you'll want to play along! :-)

Feel free to spread the word on your own blogs - the more, the merrier :)

This is a really nice way to force yourself to tackle those books on your to-read list that you haven't gotten around to reading for one reason or another.  Please join!  As kiwiria says, the more the merrier!

Edit:  Join here--


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