Reading List 2012

Jan 05, 2013 07:47

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bluiidmommy January 5 2013, 14:44:49 UTC
I'd like to set a goal for myself this year and read a wide range of books. It looks like you've read a lot of different types of books. How do you find so many of them? Just pursuing the stacks? Recommendations?


bluiidmommy January 5 2013, 14:45:13 UTC
Also, I love that picture of Bumberjean holding your books!


bojojoti January 6 2013, 07:44:55 UTC
That's Bumberjean, Christmas 2009, holding the books she received as gifts. She knows she can count on books as a gift from me. Then, I get to read them! She doesn't mind used books, and I can stretch those buying dollars through Better World.


bluiidmommy January 7 2013, 16:09:09 UTC
That's a pretty good deal. :)


bojojoti January 6 2013, 07:13:08 UTC
Join Goodreads. Friend me! Then, you can keep up with what your friends are reading. My friends keep my to-read list long! I enjoy a variety and read just about anything but pure romance.


bluiidmommy January 7 2013, 16:11:15 UTC
Talk about falling down the rabbit hole! I joined Goodreads on Saturday and every time I go on, I get sucked in. And so far, all I've done is rate books! I think my problem this year won't be finding enough books to read but putting them down to get other stuff done! ;)


bojojoti January 8 2013, 20:22:47 UTC
Add me as a friend!


bluiidmommy January 9 2013, 00:45:38 UTC
I'll see if I can tomorrow. :)


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