For all the mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law and the men caught in the middle

Apr 28, 2011 21:34

I've been going through piles of paper--boxes and boxes of the stuff.  Before computers, I saved clippings, and I've obviously had this one since 1996.  It still makes me smile!  Now, it is scanned and saved on the computer, and the clipping has been trashed.  Much cleaner and more accessible!

I love this poem especially because it reminds me of an incident early in our marriage.  Mr. Bojo approached me, offering me a sock.  I was perplexed at what he wanted when he complained that the sock had a hole in it.  At the confused look on my face, he explained that his grandmother always darned the holes in his sock.  Ah!  He thought I could darn his sock!  I did.  I took the offending sock, walked it to the trash, and as I dropped it in, I theatrically exclaimed, "Darn sock!"  And then I laughed hysterically at the shocked look on his face!  When I explained that any darning I would attempt would leave him hobbled and hirpling in pain, he joined in the laughter.  I've been "darning" his socks the same way since then.   

poetry, humor, memories

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