On the Road, Again

Nov 08, 2010 01:55

We're back home after a long whirlwind weekend of moving.  Bojoette has a great little apartment in a wonderful location, but more on that later.  On our way to Kansas City, Mr. Bojo pointed out the large cargo on the semi in front of us.  He laughed as I tried to see something, and then I saw what had amused him.

It was a tiny toy Cat on that huge, empty semi trailer!  There went a truck driver with a sense of humor.

Mr. Bojo had business in Topeka, so I entertained myself by taking photos.  This woman was cutting scrap wire into manageable pieces.

As I wandered about, I found this interesting face.  One of the employees told me they made that from scrap metal for Halloween.  It was their version of a jack o'lantern.

I located the state capitol building (the dome with the American Indian statue).  It looks as if Ad Astra is declaring war upon the ongoing construction.

The Kansas State Capitol is the state capitol building of the U.S. state of Kansas. Housing the Kansas Legislature, it is located in the state capital of Topeka.

A large mural in the east wing, painted by Kansan John Steuart Curry, centers on an image of abolitionist John Brown. This is believed to be the only instance of a person convicted of treason being featured in a state capitol.

Dome tours are held daily on the half-hour. Besides being home to one of the largest capitol domes in the United States - even surpassing that of the United States Capitol, the Kansas dome is the only one in the United States that continues to offer dome tours that go to the top of the dome. There are 296 steps leading up from the fifth floor to the top of the dome.

Ad Astra should watch his back, because it seems the machines may fight back.  Beware the claw of doom!

Before I had the chance to get into any mischief, Mr. Bojo returned and we were back on the road again.  We got into KC in time to have dinner at Olive Garden with Bojojr, Bumberjean, and Bojoette.  After dinner, Bumberjean and I split off to run to the Johnson County semi-annual book sale.  It was awesome! Remember that dead mall I posted about last summer? Johnson County sets up their book sale there.  The entire interior hallways are filled with books, plus several store fronts.  We wandered about until they closed.  We both needed more time!  Bumberjean never made it to the young adult fiction, and I never saw the classics section.  We planned on returning later in the weekend, but it was such a busy time, we never made it.  We need to find out when the next one is and make plans to get there earlier!

When we got back to Bojojr and Bumberjean's house, we celebrated Bumberjean's birthday by giving her gifts early, as we won't see her next week.  We always give books!

We also gave her a Randal Spangler dragon print and a green throw pillow with scales.  We didn't have cake, as we hadn't purchased it yet.  It had been a work day for the Bumbles, and Mr. Bojo and I were tired from packing and traveling, so we headed to bed as the next day would be a very busy one.  

art, birthdays, humor, kc, kansas, bumberjean, books

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