Little bit about the young star

Dec 02, 2007 19:08

I found this originally in spanish but i have the translation below the original so no worries. I can't translate this myself because there are some words I don't know and it will take too long so I'm going to use a translator. It will probably read out weird so I will revise and rephrase the sentences as best I can. The picture with the two people and the pictures of him on the table are of his parents I believe. I don't know how old he is in the picture below. I'd say about 5-7 years old maybe. You can find the website I got it at here.

La poblaciòn de Linyola ya no sòlo se siente orgullosa de Josep Maria Fustè, 'lo noi de Linoya': ahora tienen a un nuevo futbolista al que arropar.

'Què fa el Barça?', preguntaba un niño pegado a un balòn. Los clienetes del bar Gismat le respondìan casi sin mirarle, mientras èl, satisfecho porque el resultado era positivo y secàndose el sudor con la camiseta, volvìa a la plaza Planell. Allì le esperaban sus amigos para seguir con lo verdaderamente importante, jugar a fùtbol.

Nadie imaginaba entonces que, diez años despuès, aquel niño pegado a un balòn debutarìa en El Cairo con el primer equipo blaugrana y, en sòlo 25 minutos, pondrìa patas arriba a todo el barcelonismo dejando clar que sì, que el 9 de la cantera, por fin, ha llegando. Seguramente, ni èl mismo lo imaginaba. Algo raro si tenemos en cuenta que no hay nadia en todo Linyola, entendidos y neòfitos en la materia, que no le viera ya unas cualidades excepcionales para el fùtbol.

Josep y Paquita siguen tras la barra del Planes, un bar con 57 años de historia al que Bojan acudìa para comprar 'chucherìas': "Mientras otros niños iban en bicicleta o patinente, èl siempre iba con su pelota. No se separaba nunca de ella", apunta Paquita. Pero tanto talento no podìa desparramarse sòlo entre farolas y cemento. Su padre, tambièn Bojan Krkic, creò, junto a Salvador Bonjoch y Rafel Cos, la escuela de fùtbol Bellpuig, en la que, con 4 años, Bojan empezò a perforar porterìas. Bonjoch, ahora presidente, tiene el honor de ser la primera person que alineò a Bojan: "No sè si aprediò antes a andra o a darle al balòn, pero en does años no perdimos ni un sòlo partido. Hacìamos rotaciones para que jugase todo el mundo y si se complicaba, salìa Bojan y resolvìa". El secretario tècnico, Rafel Cos, lo define asì: "Era insaciable. Lo he visto incluso llorando si las cosas no habìan ido como èl esperaba o habìa marcado pocos goles".

Un alumno que dejò huella
El niño a un balòn pegando no tardò en vestir de blaugrana. Con 8 años llegò al fùtbol base del Barça, donde sus nùmeros siguieron creciendo. Ya entonces estudiaba en El Carme, colegio de Mollerussa en el que empezò con 3 años y al que, pese a la insistencia de los responsables del club para que estudiara en La Masia, siguiò acudiendo hasta los 12, cuando ya se le hizo imposible compaginarlo todo. Durante nueve años dejò allì maravillados a sus profesores. Antònia, la directora del centro, recureda que "era muy aplicado, tanto que, aunque tuviera que marcharse antes para entrenar, hacìa los deberes de camino a Barcelona y siempre los entregaba a tiempo". Anna Maria destaca otro tipo de hailidades: "Como era tan pequeño y tan guapo todas las niñas grndes le iban detràs, pero a èl sòlo le interesaba su balòn". Daniel Garnica incluso lo tiene "como un ejemplo para mis alumnos, a los que les explico que todo es compatible con los estudios". Lo que tienen muy claro es que "por su caràcter, seguirà siempre igual", algo que confirma Anna, una de sus mejores amigas, a la que conociò en el Cau, una agrupaciòn excurstionista de Mollerussa: "El le quita importancia a todo lo que pasa. Es muy humilde".

El martes por la noche nadie en Linyola preguntaba por el resultado del club blaugrana. Todo el pueblo estaba pendiente, ahor sì, de aquel niño pegado a un balòn que entraba sudado al Gismat on la misma canciòn: "Què fa el Barça?"


The population of Linyola no longer only feel proud of Josep Maria Fustè, 'noi of Linyolà; now they have a new soccer player to whom to wrap. 'Què fa the Barça', asked a boy stuck with a ball. The clients of the bar Gismat responded him almost without watching/looking at him, while he, satisfied because the results were postive and drying the sweat with the t-shirt, he returned at the plaza Planell. There they hoped his friends will follow with the truely important thing, to play soccer. Nobody imagined then that, ten years later, that boy stuck to a ball would make a debut in the Cairo with the first blaugrana (in other words fc barcelona) team and, in only 25 minutes, would put legs above (???) to all the barcelonismo making clear that yes, that the 9 of the quarry, finally, has arrived. Surely, nor he himself imagined it. Something rare if we consider that is nobody in all Linyola, understood the neophytes in the matter, that already did not see exceptional qualities of him for soccer. Josep and Paquita follow after the bar of Plans, a bar with 57 years of history to which that Bojan (???) to buy 'chucherìas': "Meanwhile the other kids went with bicycles or rollerskates, he always went with his ball. He never separated with it.", noted Paquita. But so much talent could not scatter only between lampposts and cement. His father, also Bojan Krkic, thinks, together at Salvador Bonjoch and Rafel Cos, the soccer school (academy) Bellpuig, in which, with 4 years, Bojan started to preforate porterìas. Bonjoch, now president, has the honor of veing the first person that aligned to Bojan: "I don't know if he learned before to walk or give the ball, but in 2 years we didn't miss not one single game. We made rotations so that everybody played and if it (i think means) complicated, Bojan went out and resolved". The technical secretary, Rafel Cos, define it thus: "He was insatiable. I have seen him even crying if the things had not gone as he waited for or had marked a few goals".

A student that left a footprint
The boy stuck with the ball wasn't late in dressing in blaugrana (blue and red). With 8 years coming to the soccer base of Barça, where numerous continued growing. Well he studied in El Carme, high school of Mollerussa in which he started within 3 years and to which, despite the insistance of the responsible of the club for that studied in La Masia, he continued going until 12, when he already did the impossible to combine everything. During 9 years he left there wonder to his professors. Antònia, the director of the center, remembers that "he was very applied, so much that, although he was going before he was entering, he did walked notably to Barcelona and always submission on time". Anna Maria noted (in other words) other type of skills: "as (because in other words) he was so little and very handsome all of the older girls went behind him, but him alone was only interested with the soccer ball". Daniel Garnica even had him "as (because in other words) he was an example for my other classmates, to whom I explained to them that everything is compatible with the studies". What they know very clearly is that "by his character, he will follow always equal", something confirmed Anna, one of this very good friends, where he reconized at the Cau, a hiking group of Mollerussa: "He takes it waway the importance of everything that happened. He is very humble".

On Tuesday at night nobody in Linyola asked about the results of the club blaugrana. All of the town was pending, now yes, of that boy stuck with the ball that entered sweated the Gismat with the same song: "Què fa the Barça".

(i did my best to translate and reword the sentences so that it makes sense. Some words I don't know how else to say it but I hope you can get the main idea of it.)

news, interview, article

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