Nov 19, 2006 12:49
Well, it looks like I won't be getting a Wii today. I went to Wal-Mart at about 10:30 this morning (it opens at 12 on Sundays) and there wasn't anybody around. Then a couple of people showed up, but there wasn't a line to speak of so I just hung out in my car for a while. Turns out that the Manager was handing out tickets, and by the time I headed over, they were all gone. :(
I waited around anyway because the manager told me that if they rain checks weren't claimed by 12:30, that they were going to sell the consoles to whoever was there. I didn't end up staying until 12:30 because I highly doubt I would have gotten one. There didn't seem to be any more Wiis behind the counter, and there was a line of about 10 people waiting. I doubt that more than 10 people would have not picked up their Wii. I headed over to SuperStore to see if they had any, but no luck. I don't think they got any at all. It was hard to tell because the guy there wasn't very helpful. I said, "Excuse me, do you have any Nintendo Wii units," and the guy just shook his head and kept walking. Didn't give me a chance to ask any follow up questions.
One of the people waiting in line called Zellers for me to see if they had any, but they only got 12, and were all pre-sold.
It's disappointing, but at least I won't have to wait long. Nintendo is trying to keep a steady flow of Wiis going, so I'll keep checking.