
May 09, 2006 06:32

I have since suspected that I may have hyperthrodism but did not know that its so fast. Been taking blood tests even before expecting Bernice. Doc at SGH said I have Hashimoto autoimmune disease which is hypo but my symptons all along seems hyper. At that time. my T3 and T4 were in control, so no medication is needed. Now.... Due to stress and not enough sleep, I have hyperthrodism.
My colleagues has been telling me that I have lost a lot of weight. Yesterday, when I saw my GP, she requested me to do the blood test and even wanted the report on that day. I wnet home to take my weigh...
Guess what! I have dropped from 47 kg ( my pre-pregnancy weigh before giving birth to Bernice) to 41.5 kg. Actually, the reason I went ot see my GP was I experience chest pains, headaches, excessive perspiration (a lot).
I was so annoyed when I went to review my case. the nurse asked me to go and see the doc in the evening. I should not have gone because teh doc is a locum, not my Gp that i normally see. He is not able to explain a lot of things. Worse, he asked me to go the A & E department so that they will refer me to a doc that can treat hyperthyrodism and lactating women. So angry. luckily I called Jo and decided to see my GP again the next day.
I cried and cried cos it is so sad not able to breastfeed Bernice and been stress with work and family. Pary that God will see me through this trying time.
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