Livejournal is alternately obnoxious and helpful for me. Sometimes I really benefit from the opportunity to journal, sometimes it is little more than a way to check in on the people I love. (That would be all of you, my friends...) Sometimes I sit here and journal my boi-ish heart out, and sometimes I just watch. Sometimes not even that closely
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There are crossroads in life; times when you have to choose the hard path. In my experience I have always been rewarded in unexpected ways when I choose the hard path, the ethical path, the path that was right for me at the time. you can always look back and say, 'hmmm if I had done that differently' and let that inform your future choices. But it won't change the choices you made then or the person you were then. And its part of what makes you the person you are now, so ultimately the healthiest thing is to own it and go forward.
You are dealing with simultaneously some of the most stressful life events you will deal with. Be gentle with yourself. Be willing to accept help, counseling, take time to think and to feel as much as possible before action.
And if I can give one other piece of advice, learn to just *be* with your discomforts. Own them. Allow them to teach you, don't be afraid of being uncomfortable because those feelings can help you discover who you are and what you need.
much love and hugs
*luck* and *joy* to you! and I'd bet that if you give yourself permission to sit and think about it, there is a lot of joy and good happening now too, even in the midst of the maelstrom... keep breathing, sweet boi!
*hugs* and *chocolate*
Also: getting wasted amongst a few dozen obnoxiously loud dykes doesn't hurt. I highly reccommend it.
The hangover this morning, on the other hand, does.
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