The Super Mega Uber Post

Jul 06, 2005 22:40

I feel really bad for not posting in a gazillion years... or at least not in detail. So I'm just going to throw in a whole bunch of info on everything and anything. Don't feel obligated to read it, I'm not yet sure if I'm going to try to make it sensible.

VBS ended up being fabulous. It was seriously the most fun thing ever, I couldn't get over it. I even got a babysitting job out of it! The only downside was that I kept getting all the credit, when the credit should have been (fairly) evenly divided between me and my safari crew. Especially after Thursday, when I had to leave before the day even started cuz Brandon had to go home sick. Poor kid. So while I was home with a crying kid in my lap, Dan-yell was leading the music and Vin-E was guiding the drama class and St-E-so continued with his post as puppetmaster. I was so touched by their dedication. Later that night when I was at Vin-E's he was telling me about the kids's progress, and I swear he was like a proud papa or something.... I love seeing teens get excited about helping kids!! And they loved him and the others too, it was SO great. There was lots of reciprical roaring at the pizza party Friday evening. The show itself went fairly well, I was so proud of my kids, even though Rose screwed up the ending. The following Sunday I was a lector, so not only did I see FOUR families that I babysit for, but a lot of random kids who shook my hand saying "Peace be with you, Safari Sarah!" Apparently I was some kind of role model. Poor kids!! But yeah, VBS was definitely a fabulous start to the summer.

The climax film shoot was really awesome too. I made Matt swear that I would actually get on film that night, cuz I'd been having bad luck actually getting filmed, and he promised. So I was there first of course so we could do my makeup but then Vin-E realized Matt had the blood, so we were stuck. So we hung out til James showed up sans-handgun, so I drove him back to his house to get it. We got back in time to see Matt storyboarding, badly. He went out with James and Frankie to film their driving scene in my truck while Vin-E and I rewrote the "dear-ex-lover-i-had-your-baby" letter and listened to my playlist. Then he "bloodied me up" which was entirely too much fun. Between the blood, dirt, messy hair, bags under my eyes, and pregnant belly, I looked marvelous. But then it still took two or three hours of hanging out with the V-man until he finally forced Matt to do my scene. So I laid down in the barn in the dirt with the bugs while Matt held the REAL sword to my neck and I had to look scared. I WAS! Hehe, it was really fun. I think I did decently, but I looked so disgusting that I won't take myself seriously when I see it. Oh I forgot to mention the blood! While V and I were hangin waiting til my scene, we realized that the blood container had leaked all over the bucket it was in, and the bucket had leaked all over the paper bag, which had leaked all over the living room. So we spent a while cleaning that all up. Actually it was entertaining cuz bending over in a pregnant suit is not easy. After I acted I drove Frankie home and we discussed break-dancing penguins.

I've been babysitting a lot. It's my source of income. Between that and my graduation money I managed to repay my parents for my car accident, thankfully. I love babysitting my kidlins. Grace is my favorite. She's one. SO CUTE! SHe likes to say woof. We bond a lot. We'll sit together in the same position and I'll tell her all my secrets and she'll tell me if they're dumb or not. Tonight she wouldn't go to sleep so she was playing with my cell phone. I called KT so she could talk to a real person, and it was funny cuz KT didn't realize Grace couldn't talk yet. Then she played with my keys and set off my car alarm. Yikes! Caden and Aly are cute too, but older and more rambunctious. They're favorite thing is to play in the back of my truck. And to drive around the neighborhood with me. But they're at that curious age, so there's a lot of "is this your bra?" "hey Caden I touched your balls!" stuff. Caden is also very morbid. He likes guns and smoking. I'm trying to good-ify him.

We've had a few drama kid shindigs, all unofficial of course, but always a blast. The main event was naturally the fourth of july scapades, but I already mentioned that and so did Bella. I really love our POOP sign idea, but I dunno who has it now. I want it. I only had it for about three minutes at the waffle breakfast. OH! That was a fuunnn thing. I can't wait for another one. I wish I could cook. We ate yummy food, joked about Agnes Butterworth, molested one another on kt's bed, watched Lion King, played with Head.... good morning. Going to Mitch's concert was way fun too!! We drank cheapy margaritas and listened to cool music and laughed with Darth Schweig and then went to Pizza Hut (me, andrew, katy, somer, krista, chris, anyone else? can't remember) and took the pizza to casa de pompo for eating and basically had fun. There was also El's party (tail end, but still fun), and bowling (KT stole my shoe!!!) and the drive-in, and basic everyday merry-making. The film shoot at Hillsdale was practically worthy of this paragraph. Somer and Chris and Leah were new to the situation but having them there was SO fun!! We ate brownies and talked loudly on camera about condoms and watched Somer drive all of our cars. That was a good night too. But I still haven't had my fill, so keep it comin!

Talking to Fore is about the coolest thing ever. I can't wait for college thanks to her. We're gonna have so much fun together, I can tell!!

Hmmm this recent text message moves me on to my next topic, which is the DRAMA unfolding over here... my goodness gracious. I know there are people who might read this who are on Robert's side, but I've always been anti-roberto, so I don't care. Poor Ashley. I can't go into too much detail, but this is CRAZY! SO many misunderstandings, friends getting mad at each other, rumors being spread, lies being told, things being nearly stolen, girls being rescued, us being stalked... it's nuts. The recent developments are driving me crazy now too. And so many poor bystanders are involved! Everything he touches turns to chaos, I swear. But Ash and I have bonded through this and (in the absense of protector-Vin-E) we have made plans to hang out and protect one another. AND it turns out that her best friend that goes to the movies with them is the sister of two people I used to be friends with!! So when the V gets back we're all six of us gonna hang out, cuz we're cool like that. This situation has made me realize what a truly small world this really is. Huckabees was right! We are all connected!!

Katy is my homeboy. I just felt like saying that. This is going to be my random thoughts paragraph. I got a 3 and a 4 on my AP tests this time. I don't get credit at MU for the 3 in govt, but hey, I did better than I expected! When I was at my family gathering my cousin made me cry, they weren't being really mean, just exclusive. I've never liked those get-togethers, and since Katie has stopped attending cuz of her work (but i think she's just avoiding them), they're just plain awful. My aunts and uncles spent the afternoon complaining about my grandparents and planning to move to Arkansas. My cousins played stupid guy games and pretty much ignored me as usual. SO I went outside and teared up a bit and called a bunch of people and got like five answering machines. KT texted me back, so she won, and Vin-E called me back, so he won. He won more tho, cuz he gave me the escape of a film shoot that night which was entertaining. And I got to steal his passenger virginity, which is always fun. Oh and there was the two-hour conversation in his driveway last week, that was random and awesome. I love his mom, she calls me beautiful. Moving on... I haven't spent much time with Brandon lately, I feel guilty. But I just haven't been up for it. I dunno... he's at that awful stage in middle school when he's just annoying. I didn't like Andrew then either. Or me for that matter. So oh well.... I think it's funny how all this drama is putting me in the opposite position than usual. It's weird. I've been clearing out my room, and it's making me (and the spectators) sad. I'm not anywhere near done yet of course, but i hope to finish soon. I've been reading HP again finally, and I'm looking forward to the new book again.

A lot of you guys have been absent so far. I miss you all, so gimme a call and we'll do something mildly entertaining.

I think that's good... there's plenty more that I missed but I think that's good for now. Sorry for taking up all that room in your friends section.

If you read all that, you must have been reeeaaaally bored. But I appreciate the dedication all the same. Tata for now!

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