May 30, 2005 18:54
I just called Katy, and she IS alive, but only just. She sounds awful, poor little lamb. We all need to send her good vibes!
I've been nerdy every day this weekend :). Saturday of course was the prom, which I have already discussed briefly (WONDERFUL). Then yesterday after working on my project with Margie, which may be completely wrong as far as economics goes but has the most glittery stars ever, Andrew and I made an appearance at Tony's Raging Nerd Party. (oh, first I stood in the middle of a suburban street playing with a video camera and light, but yeah) That phrase, RNP, WAS in fact coined by moi, and has been used frequently lately by others, so just know I started it of course. Anyways, we didn't stay long cuz Andrew wanted his beauty sleep, but we were there just long enough to make characters for Star Wars Dungeons and Dragons.
Actually once I realized all it was was playing Barbies without any Barbies, I had a blast. It was just a bunch of people (okay, 5 sophomore boys and me) saying "I do this!" "Well then I do this!" "Okay guys, roleplay that!" "Well, hello there, meet my light sabor." It was entertaining, hehe. I was highly amused at the fact that I could spot the band geek a mile away. Anyways, yeah, we may stop by again next time just for kicks. They liked me cuz I brought them cupcakes. And cuz I was a girl. *gasp* And even though I didn't know what I was doing, my character rocked in charisma and wisdom, which apparently is a good thing. OH! I made a funny too: when the bike got knocked over onto their dog, I said "Ooh, I think I'm an animal healer!" Yeah, you had to have been there.
Then I came home and watched Noises Off (our version) and it made me laugh out loud. Yeah, I'm a dork.
Today we FINALLY saw Episode III, which I liked a lot, except for the fact that I already knew everthing that would be done and said thanks to my wonderful friends (grrrrr). Oh well, it was still cool enough to make me bounce and shake in my seat as I watched them kill people. Wooo!!
I read in the newspaper that one of the few things left for people to be geeks over now that Star Wars is done is Harry Potter. I SO beat them to it.
I hafta go finish my project now, later nerdz!