May 22, 2005 20:28
I totally expected the reunion to be lame, but it was SO. RAD.
Joey and Joe snorted powder at the table while Jeff, Drew (GAYbriel), Chris and Dalton made fun of Suzi as usual. The first PDA between D & S was seen- very adorable.
Then our small group was conspicuously absent so me and Suzi and Dalton talked about how Jesus is f'ing metal.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: Nuke a gay commie whale for Jesus, and someone is bound to be offended.
Then we got bored and me and Chris followed Dalton into the empty church and played piano. Actually, Dalton played Phantom songs on the big organ while me n Chris reenacted the scenes. I was Christine being chased through the pews dramatically to the scary music. There was also the crazy monkey tune and the Special Children's Choir. Hehehe...
But we decided that since we go to church and pray, we get to go to purgatory instead of straight to hell. So we're gonna get to throw things at the rest of you. That's between the Heaven v. Hell softball games.
This was our piano dust conversation:
Chris: I <3 God.
Sarah: Me too.
Chris: Cool!
Sarah: Oui.
Dalton: POOP.
I heart Cathies with all my being. I'm gonna miss them.