I have another t-shirt in the works...
There's a story behind it. Care to listen?
This one chick ALWAYS comes into Ben & Jerry's, occasionally accompanied by her boyfriend. She is equally ALWAYS such a bitch. For the longest, I've tried to understand why. You could be the nicest person in the world, and she would totally blow you off. The other day, Jenn helped her and her boytoy with their order or whateva and they were having a grand old time. Laughing, joking, all that good stuff. Later, I pulled Jenn aside to ask her what the hell all that was about. I told her how she's always so mean and asked why she was being buddy-buddy with her; Jenn basically said it's because I'm black. See, they're all multi-racial: Jenn, the girl, and her boyfriend.
You would think that things would clear up about now. No. Is that not the most backasswards thing you've ever heard? How are you gonna hate on someone because they're NOT mixed? I mean, damn, chick. Get over yourself. So after learning this, I went into this huge rant that surprised even me (I heard myself; I was loud and yelling all kinds of "fucks" and "bitches"). In the end of it all, I simply concluded: "Bitch, I'm Irish. Now what?"
I made so many notes of random thoughts. Those will be here soon.